DEAR FELLOW-MEMBER OF ] SOUTHERN~METHODIST- UNIVERSITY, Pr "HEADQUARTERS COMPANY 20" Dallas, 5, Texas, 2 July, 1943 “*- On July 18, 1943 it will be-twenty-five years since we came together 48 the 20th Company of the 1918 S.A.T.C, Camp at Fort Sheridan, The printed-Roster of the Come pany [published that summer by Emmett Long, now of Follansbee, W.Va.J lists 204 men —~--nearly all of them being professors or-administrative officers of colleges and universities of the Middle West and South, The 1918 Roster gave highest degrees and a: academic affiliations of the members of the Company, and that information does not necd to be repeated hero, In many ways the Company had a distinguished porsonneot; Thirty-two members of the Company were listed with Doctor's degrees [Ph.D., M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M., and S.J.D.1, end fifty-five others had Master's degrees, In the twenty-five years that have elapsed; there has been a great increase in the numbers of mombers who imve Doctor's degrees. The number of mon listed in "Who's ‘ho in Amorica"* has greatly increased, also,"as would be expected, I understand thet Dungay, Srell, Scutar, and perhaps Place, have gotten the M.D, degree since our Fort Sheridan days. - Among the men of the Company whose careers I have followed, the following might be especially mentioned: W, S. Alison, president of Statson University since 1934; R. VW. Crum, director of the highway rescarch board, Netional Research Ccuneil, sinco 1928; R, C, Flickinger, head=-professor of Lstin and Greek at the University of Iowa Since 1925; F., J. Kolly, chief of the division of colleges and professional schools of the U, S, Office of Education since 1931; T. J. Msok, professor of uriental lane guages at the University of Toronto sinco 1923; Alfred Owre, who died in 1935; as Gean of the school of dentyvistry at Columbia University; H, D. Prillips, P. E, Bishop of Southwestern Virginia since 1938; B, EB, Setsaitt, professor of modern his= tory at the University of Chicago since 1925; Jwun Sundwall, professor of hygiene ana public health at tho University of Michigan since 1921; and of courso Knut Rocke ne, whose tragic death in 1931 was a nation-wide concern, I have information of the deaths of the following men of our C.mpany: dates, as far as I know them, are give en in the list of presont-addrosses of the living mombors of the Company. Tuose deceased members"are: A, T. Adams, R, B. Allen, H, H.-Bass, E. C, Buss, R. EB. Car ter,"J. 0. Davis, H.-W. Duin, Logan Esarey, H, Dz Funk, H, S. Gentry, S. I. Lang= maid, W.-E, Loekhart,-J. H, Loomis, R, B, MeGheo, J, W. Moss, Isaiah L. Miller, G. Be Mortimer, Alfred Owre, C. E, Pike, K, K, Reckne, L. C. Slcosman, and Keith K, Smith, Ovcr the years, the memories of our short and hoctic experience at Fort Shoridan have been a gooc deal of satisfaction to mo-—=principally because of the men who were members of the Company. I assume that many of you feel the same wey. Many men you may care to-renew acquaintance with by correspondence, even after the lapse of all those years. While you may not recall sone of the men, you may remerber a great nany, With pleasure, I fcolt a distinet sense of loss at the d.aths of R. B. Allen, Carter, Funk, Langmaid, and Miller; and a great deal of pleasure to see how many of the Company heave done and accomplished good things. I have tried to secure as fully as possible present acdrossos, but-sore of then, (furnished by collego alumni offices) may be incorrect or-outcated, Otier involun= tery errors may have crept in, and those I greatly regret. "NR" aftor a name indi= cates that ropeated and diversified inquirias gave no results. Ia those cases whore & bicgraphy is available, the source is indicated in brackets: "WW" (Who's Who in 4cerica); "AMS" (Aserican Moen of Science); "DAS" (Birectory of Aierican Scholars); "WEngr" (hots Who in Engineering); "LE" (Leacers-in Eiucation); "Tal (Texian Whots \fno).” I nave not included degrees and titles; as this is not intended to be & Directory, but merely a list of presont addressos. . se I shall be glad to receive corrections anc emendations, so far as you ean give thom ~- Cordially and sincerely yours, S. W. GEISER