Pp. 4 : ey . Matteson, Clarcneo-E, 803-Consolidated Bank Bldg:, Tucson, Ariz. Mey, Clarcnes Darl, 520 S, Park St., Bloomington, Ind. [AMS] Mcacor, Lewis E, -Drury College, Springfiold, Mo<- . Mook, Theophile J, 68° Spadina Ra, : Toronto, Ont., Canada. [LE] Menuet; Robort L. nmr. ~ * Millor,; Isaiah L.- d Fab. 22, 1936, [AMS] Miller, M.A. ° ner. Bi ze Moors, Jemos G, 2125 “, Lewn Avo., Madison, “is.- [AMS] —- George B. d. Nov. 18,°1934;5 at Madison, wis, [AMS] Mosloy, Charles P,~- Jacksonville, Oks Nash, - John Uy Meh ~ Nelus: EB, B, Rte, G, Tulsa, Vala, ~."" : : Nollo, Alfred H, 204 1. Mcotthows St., San Marcos, Tex. [LE] Owre; Alfred. d Jan. 2. 1935, in N.Y. City. [1] Pago, H. Orville Nee 2 Parlin; H, T; 150 Ecucat ion Blde., Univ. of Texas, Austin, [LE] Pasini, He Ps. ‘Dit. Patterson, Jusoph J, 112 S, “ostovor, © Fort “orth; Toxas, Perkins, Rellin Morris. -1041 voodlam, Tuva City, Ia. [MK] Peterson, Clarence T. ner. ~ Phillips, Honry De Box 2068, Roanoko; Va. [‘/] - - Piorey, Jusoph Vs 708 Builantino Ra, Bloorington, Ind. [LE] Piko, Carl E, -a, Oct. 15, 1918. Plate, Josse A.~ 1712 16th St., Galveston, Tex. ~ > Pritchard, E. 4. c/o Board of Education, Reading, -Ponna. Puckett, “Erastus P, Central College; Fryette,-Mo. [EE, Das] Rancolph, Herry Bs -1708 E, Glenoaks, Glendale, Calif, Rawloy, Seott. ner. Reic; J, T. “Univ, of New Moxico, Albuquerque. - { LE] Remp, Martin, 667 Culloge ive., ‘icostor, Ohio. LE] Reinbold, Louis J, nr. Richardson, Rupert N, Hs rdin-Sirmons University, Abileno, Tex. [DAS, LE, Tx.47} Pidewag, Jo Ge” Babs * Rienow, Robert. Univ. of Iowa, Icwa City. [.%, LE] Rockne, Knut K, -d. Mareh 31, 1931. : 5 Rix, John Burton. 3625 Haynie, Ballas 5, Toxas, Roce; Ralph B, Frisco Blég., St.-Luuis, Mo. a . Rusk, Relph Leslie. Euglish Dspt:; Culumbia Univ.; N. Y. City. [°', DAS] Ryan, Js Je 2861 N, Prospect ves, Midvaukee, “Vis.- Sincers, ‘alter Frederick, Park-Cvllege, Pearkvilis, Mo, ([1¥, LE] Sattre, Alfred M, 8157S, 6th St., Mvorheac, Minn. ~chabinger, he fo Nelu pero. Paul L,~ 2475 Boxley Park Rd3; Columbus, Ohio, {DAS ] . - Sallademan, Kari. Physical Ean; Dupt., Michigan Steto Coll., onst Lansing. Sthmidt; John H, 230 Grove St., Bioomfictd, NoJ. -[AMS] Sobnitt, Bernadotte Everly Sehnitt. Dept: History U.-of Chicago. [i, DAS, LEJ Sefton, Frederick S, 589 Sunset Viow Dr,,-Akron, Onto, Sunllengerger, Garvin D, Univ. of Montana, Missoula. [AMS] E : Sharp, Trevelyan, 22199 Parnel& Rd,; University Heights, Cioveland, Ohio. Slsesman, Lonix Ce d. June 12, 1937, ->- Sith; John BE, New Mexico Military Inst., Ruswell. [AMS] z Sith, Jeseph E, Secial Science Dept., ~Youn.storm [Okio] College. Sith; Keith Kuenzis d. Sept. 18, 1935; [AMS] . Cake Orrin Harold.- DoPauy University, Greencastle, Ind. {'", AMSJ Smith, W. Leon. ners = Srsll, Noble Russell. 2038 7, Madison St., Chicaco; Iil, St uphens, Frank Flvtcher. 203 Thilly St., Columbia, Mo, [i, ‘DAS, LE] Soutar, Richard G, 3300 Cutter Vay, Sacrancnto, Calif. Speer, “whitcomb B, 1445 Laranie, Manhattan, Kans, - ~