A et STATE OF KANSAS RENEWAL BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION Je? {Ss CERTIFIES THAT Dn. LSeeZest c oe ud ISCAL YEAR Ne 271 IS A LICENSED OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND RGEON FOR T 1941-42 ee Ir "G ( EAML H. REED, D. 0% SECRETARY 18-8679 200 Sets CATION ASSOCIATION NATIONAL EP cece cece ee ites «5 nett SES Rete OONT ETT sre eee dues paid for the yeaf ending August 31,1942. National Headquarters, 1201 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPT UNIV OF KANSAS % DIR FORREST C ALLEN LAWRENCE KANSAS 1-38 cial EET AE NE BR LAWRENCE No. 4 LAWRENCE No. 14 DE MOLAY No, 4 RO ALM: R. AND S. M. K. T. The Youk Rite of Free Masonry Secretary-Recorder, Oscar J. Lane, 900 Massachusetis Street, Phone 983 Lawrence, Kansas COMPANION: 40” Y +, pag ber a 7, SIR KNIGHT: = (LAA Your attention is respectfully called to the following OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DUES \o2 Your Chapter dues for the year ending December 31, 19 4 deg are : : : ‘ ere ee ok Bos Arrearages : 3 : 5 ; : a é ; ‘ ‘ ; gor ee We Your Council dues for the year ending December 31, 19 ¥ ve are : ; ; : ; : $J\ ea Arrearages ; ; : . $... eI syc Your Commandry dues to the end of the current Testes year are arch | / 7 WI. ‘ $4. i ae) Arrearages : é 5 5 i g 2 ‘ : < ‘ ‘ é ; gi ae ees tM ee a ae e The By-Laws of the Chapter, Council and Commandry require that dues shall be paid annually. A member when in arrears for two years dues is subject to suspension, unless the dues are paid or remitted, by showing sufficient cause for his delinquency. OSCAR J. LANE, Pe a Wg. Secretary and Recorder. ha ~ MWeylhity2z.-— Shark e WORLD. STUDENT SERVICE FUND COMMITTEE Dear Di Mew, o May we take this means of expressing to vou our appreciation for the contribution of $ 22. you made to the orld Student Service Fund. The res- ponse of the faculty and students was most gratifying and through your efforts we wore able to socure over 500 to aid in the Prisoncr's of ‘lar Relief and Chincse Students work for which this fund is responsiblo. Sincerely yours, Hornlew M2 Upuahin/ ee Thornton licClanahan Student Chairman OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. G9 7 Q § _ SAVE THE CHILDREN FEDERATION 1 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. Date;_ Mar. 8, 1943 : Amount Mr. Forrest Ce Allen Dept. of Athletics, KeUe 500 Lawrence, Kansas We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your kind remittance, as indicated above. SAVE THE CHILDREN wth ee, er N s For Treasurer BEQUESTS. UNDER WILLS Contributors are urged to remember the Children’s work of the Federation when making or revising their Wills. .Inyall states, such.bequests, are exempt from Federal Estate Tax. The following Form, of. Bequest is suggested: “I give, devise and bequeath to Save the -Children Federation, Incorporated, a corporation organized in January 1932 under the laws of the State of New York, with headquarters at One Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y., the sum of Dollars.” LAWRENCE No. 4 R. AND S. M. LAWRENCE NO. 14 DE MOLAY No. 4 K. T. R. A. M. ‘The York Rite of Free Masonry SECRETARY- RECORDER: OSCAR #: LANE, 2203 Massacuuseris STREET: PHONE 1724 awrence, Kansas COMPANION: SIR KNIGHT: Foret C oe Your attention is respectfully called to the following OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DUES Your Chapter dues for the year ending December 31, 19. 4 Z, are Arrearages Bea arg eo gone = Your Council dues for the year ending December 31, aes are Arrearages Your Commandry dues to the end of the current Templar year are Arrearages TOTAL wos ‘ The By-Laws of the Chapter, Council and Commandry require that dues shall be paid annually. A member when in arrears for two years dues is subject to suspension, unless the dues are paid or remitted, by showing sufficient cause for his delinquency. OSCAR.J. LANE, | : Secretary and Recorder. To Brother Lawrence, Kansas 7-941 PORREST C.. ALLEN. 801 LOUISIANA, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. Greetings from Your Scottish Rite Bodies: Dues for year ending December 31, 1941 $4.00 Dues for year ending December 31, 1940 aie Please make checks payable to ZERBAL LODGE OF PERFECTION. Cordially and fraternally, GCE) dvb Secretary forrest UG. allen, 801 Louisiana, POST NUMBER 14 AMERICAN LEGION jovs > 7 ni a Boge hu A ee. Adjutant. THE ORDER WILL BE ENTERED AS IT APPEARS ON THIS . BLANK—PLEASE BE SURE IT IS CORRECT i pave collected Wa, 7S Date DIA, / Fe / 7 Fe 75 On& 4) ost : 448,42 Subscriber “AL Lbr Street 0 © thi 9Z4- Se City x AAV eL IO 2 State be Leet LARRY C. LINLEYa¢,7. Sam k es 7710. a LAWRENCE, KANSAS Special Instructions: hank Ao Anni arheid o a Phone 1921 23,000 Mags. Since 1929 THE ORDER WILL BE ENTERED AS IT APPEARS ON THIS -ELANK—PLEASE BE SURE IT IS CORRECT I se 7s be JARalFFA fi: Zi Desragre Glut POLS Mo gn, Rane er piri Soviet” "CO, AlG@in ve og. a City SAWILVIAL State PANGoee LARRY C. LINLEY@e7i a os Street San S Vr, at, LAWRENCE, KANSAS Special Instructions: Ric4in Gune 42 Ade Cur ce bes’ RRS Bein Kip: Wheh, Aetlr Pnaw FAdhwirg Arr Phone 1921 23,000 Mags. Since 1929 Season} Greetings Officers © Midshipmen - ULS.N.R. Midshipmen’ School Chicage, Mlireais “ ok rey oe om (1 ng a ) AND BES! WISHES FOR. THE NEW YEAR C eee), ee > d MAURICE CLAVELLE HOLDEN CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS pani HA very ee ae Merry (Obeitincs: ¥ 4 _ and every joy a, 4 to syou in the coming OD We: | MADE IN U.S. A. NO. 4015 @ g0RGBT:ME-Nop See ©P s5891¢c U.S.A. (A earar chy geek wishes app wt CHRISIMASTIME Sei a a ih ee © Sy as eawt 9