@o2= time. I can get along very nicely éid Mether would enjoy her visit with you and Eleanor. She always does. You and Eleanor _ the attraction together with Jane's new home should make her visit a very pleasant one. I*ve just received a letter from Mr. Fred W. Leuhring, Assistant to the Dean of the Department of Physical Education at the University of Pennsylvania. I'm enclosing the letter for your perusal, and after you've finished it, won't you kindly mail it beck to me so that I may answer it. The letter is self-explanatory. I'd like for you to meet him so that you will have an opportunity to meet Lon Jourdet and the other coaches of basketball. When you meet them, give them my kindest regards. Mr. Leuhring was Athletic Director at the University of Nebraska years ago when I was Director here. He then went to Minnesota as Director of Athletics there and then took his Phe D. at H.¥.U. and now is at Penn. You will enjoy Here is something that will make conversation for you and your Ma... Sigma Nu brothers. On our Coymunity Chest drive here which I headed for the University I had Prof. D.H. Spencer, professor of pharmacy, as one of my workers. At luncheon down town your name was mentioned and he told me that he was one of the charter members of the Pennsyl- vania chepter of Nu Sigma Nu. He studied medicine and something came up that caused him to change over to pharmacy. You would remember him i'm sure, because he lives down at 10th and Mississippi on the east side. I've taken him home from school and have picked him up going. He’s a fine, pleasant grey-haired Christian gentleman. I've always enjoyed knowing him and I told him that I was going to.write you so that you could tell the brothers that one of the brothers is living here in Lawrence teaching in the School of Pharmacy. He was so happy thet you had gone Nu Sigma Nu. I wish that I might write you a longer letter, Bob, but my desk is full of work so I must get on the job and I wish that I were as happy doing it as I am when I am writing to you and Eleanor. I'11 not get a chance to write her so I suggest that you pass this letter on to her and give her ny love and at the same time retain a bountiful share for you. Why would it not be a good idea for me to get you some glyco-elixer? I*d be glad to do it and I know it will build you up and keep you from the flu. I still take it and am feeling splendidly. In addition to the many duties that I have on the outside I find myself to be the Program Chairman of the Lewrence Rotary Club. Monday we have Recognition and Appreciation Day of Rotary end Rotarians. We're taking this opportunity to dedicate the entire program to Dr. A.J» Anderson. He doesn't know it, but we've composed the song, "There's A Dector in Our Club” to the tune of “There's a Tavern in the Town". I'm sending it along to you so that you can get the swing of it. We've had 100 copies mimeographed and will sing it at the close of this noon-day banquet. I'm also sending you a list of the years of service that Decter Anderson gave to the people of Lawrence. I padded the Team Physician and the Oread High School Physical Examinations three years apiece to make 299 years. We're having I.J. Mead then stand and tell some tall lie in connection with ite-harmless, of course, designed to make Dr. Andorson and everybody laugh. Then Frank Banks will get up and say that he looked through the Court House records and found another year of long-time extended service and that one year