December 3, 1941. i am enclosing the abstract for Lots 10 and 11 of Block 10 of the Re le Hayes addition to the City of Cabool for your inspections 3 7 I em also enclosing a copy of lire Ira E, Atte- berry's letter to mee I suggest that you figure the interest due up to the time that your check is made, and mail the same to mee I will then s you all indebtedmesse I am sure your computation wil satisfactory with moe It was a pleasure to have , Thursday on my trip through Mountain Groves 1 trust that your football team wong although I did not sce the score of the games ‘ 4 F : é With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, | FCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache Encle CABOOL = FARM AGENCY MONEY MAKING FARMS, ae ORCHARDS vane aoa CENTER CATTLE RANCHES DAIRY — POULTRY SUBURBANS — TRUCK SHEEP — HOG RANCHES MISCELLANEOUS ESTATES COUNTRY INCOME PROPERTY OFFICE: ROSEDALE COTTAGE COURT FEDERAL HIGHWAY 60 IRA Dear Mr. Allen: This acknowledging receipt of your letter received a INVEST IN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ice 5 OZARK << COUNTIES CABIN CAMPS PICTURE SHOWS BHAUTY PARLORS HOTELS — RESORTS SHOPS AND STORES FILLING STATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS OFFERING YOU NAME IT, WE FIND IT OFFICE: ROSEDALE COTTAGE COURT FEDERAL HIGHWAY 60 R. ATTEBERY, Owner CABOOL, MISSOURI % 4 few days ago. I have today arranged for the money to pay your loan in full and will ask that you forward your Abstrac Association in care of C. Missouri. Dp; Mr. Shannon advis from the time the “bstract is will be ready for you.. up to December lis. I $163 wees 57 and interest on the uld be <6¢ up to December wes would pay the note in Trusting -to the Building and. Loan: Shannon resident ‘at Mountain Grove, eS me that At will only be a few days reccived*and checked until your money Please notify Mr. Shannon how much the interest ired the interest on. the -rincipal was $42.00, which was due you November 9 L, which would make a total of $744.83, full. that you A exN fe this your prompt attention and mail the Abstract at once as we would like to get this paid off by December 1 if possible. Thanking you very ki ndly ° fours very trulg, November 21, 1941. Mr. Ira R. Atteberry, Cabool, Missouri. Dear Mr. Atteberry: I have an inguiry from the C. I. T. Corporation, ef Springfield, Missouri, which states that an application has been received which indicates that I have credit re- — lations with you. I have not replied to this, but I am awaiting a check in payment for the note which is much past due. I trust thet you will net Geley ionger in senting he re- mittance as I would like to give you the best possible. % Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AN Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. C. I. T. CORPORATION Date “S/S - x a | Office “> y L aes Z A Lo / a , DD BLE 5 ce V = ao “ies Ag | of — CF) a Acct. No. MA Anat Lo e c a A, Applicant —* tA k : Ate Xe by es { : a Address (22% Sant d A Leh ~~ “CU, An application has been received which indicates that you have had credit relations with the above. Your answers to the following questions will be appreciated and will be held strictly confidential. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience and should the occasion present itself, we will be glad to render you a similar service. Very truly yours, G. 1. T. CORPORATION Nature Of your Cecilie ss Highest: amount of credit extended) S-= 5 oa ee sos) Amount now OwiMme' S33 SGA ae. How pase es, PeerapnnG Gr ee Date wecawil ew yo Do you recommend for Credits, Has applicant had any automobile, fire or collision losses? Further remarks: See oe oa es gs en Ge OCC upe t¢ oe ( CS ey oa a ee Form 15B-_ ‘1-4! Sept. 29, 1941 Mrs. Elizabeth K. Lindley’ 800 Louisiana Lawrence ¢, Kansas Dear Mrs. Lindley, On Monday, Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Rotary Aun club meeting at the Eldridge Crystal Room. We will have an outstanding speaker, Mr. Konomis, the Greek consul who is & naturalised American, He will present things to the Rotary Club that will be revealing as far as the international situation is concerned. It is a dinner party and strictly informal. As you will remember this is the meeting that Mre. Allen and I invited you to and we invited you to save that evening for us. | We will call for you a little after six o'clock. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach Sug am i Jam bfg ae atl Ae I de ce Kyte Parker Buick Co. lawrence, Sansas Dear Sir, I am enclosing my check for $14.02 after having deducted #2.20 from your bill for the items charged for checking for rattles and hose connections, plus tax. It seems to me thet on a new car this charge should not be necessary. The rattles are still theres; the radio hes been @ constant source of trouble with rattles, and the clock has never run. The charge for a check on hose connections on a new car doesn't make me any too happy. The car is burning too much oil, and I have always used Iso- wis in all my cars--and the 25¢ oil is good enough for me. In the future I would like to have Phillips bulk oil. I do not wish “canned” o11 because I don't care to pay for cane It is always my desire to pay my bills promptly, emd it doesn’t make me happy to be always calling your bookkeeper to ask her to deduct items that should not appear on my bill. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach 4 Wr. Tom Parker Lawrence, Kansas ‘ Dear Tom, _ I stopped in your place of business intending to inquire about the clock which had not been returned. Of course I understand that these things ere bound to be slow with the big pressure of . national defense. : I talked tc Warren about the bill and told him that I was not too _ pleased. I hed Warren drive me on the Hill a week or so ago and I pointed out that I wanted the air vent loosenet up. He tried it and it wouldn’t work and all he said wes, "I'll have George loosen that up for yous” : : He then asked me if I had the oil cartridge opened up and I said, yo", so he sold me on that item which I am happy about. _ I told him that my radio goes completely off when I turn the core ner especially to the right. You know my grief about the radio. . He‘said that you changed the entire radio from your car to mine. Well, this radio is no improvement whatsoever over my other one. Jt never has worked. So I got a bill for 50¢ labor on the radio whieh is not improved in the slightest, infact, I would not know that anything had been done on it. I was much surprised to read _ that they had put one radir vibrator on the car at $5.95 without my authorization. My brothers at the Allen Motor Coe were in business about 20-25 years, and I learned that they never made any change on the car unless there was an authorization from the owner. This item was not discussed with me. Personally, I do not like these things at all and since the radio is unchanged in effe~ _ gieney I cannot see how there has been any benefit in the leaste In fact, I do not believe this was the case, because it has not I stopped in to tell Warren that on things thet I have asked to be - Gone on the car, none of them have received the attention that made the efficiency improved whatsoever. : | I em asking that before any expenditures are made on my car that contact be made with me. It is an easy matter to get me here at KU 83. : | ole I am sending you a check for $5.92 to cover some of the items of oil, alemite, otc. Iwill drive ny car in so that these various matters may be straightened out and also that I may be able to compensate you for a justifiable service. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation _ FCA/pe ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Colonel Je Se Dusenberry, Department of Military Science, University of Kansass Dear Colonel Duseuberry: I am replying informally to your very kind invitation to Urse Allen and me to attend the ‘Mlitary Ball on Friday evenings es livee Allen is in the east at present ite ing our children, and will roturn some time next weeks it happens that Mes Allen, Mrs. Lindley and irse O*Leary belong to Friends in Council, a literary organization, and I have boen asked by lirse Alien to take Mree Lindley and Mrse O*Leary to the amniversary dimer of this club which will be held Friday evoning in the 01d English Rooms We hope that the dinner will be over in time so that we my avail ourselves of your invitations Thank you very mshe Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ‘FOAsE Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. rad a The Kesee Officers “Training Corps of the University of Kansas _— tequests the pleasure of the company of at the Military Ball of the Units on Sfriday the ‘Fifth of December Nineteen Hundred and ‘forty-One The Memorial Union Building Eight-forty -five o’clook Gormal December 1, 1941. $31 Louisiana 5t., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Milton: Beginning this week the girls will use the gymnasium for intramurals on Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday evenings the floor is to be cleared _ et 9 o'clock of all freshman players, and on Thursday at 6:45. There will be no exception to this, so plan ee ree See te eeten Ye be ae ee eee the se time. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. November 22, 1941. ' Miss Eleanor Alien Sergeant Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Bleanor, I just wanted you te know that we found the key to the Buick. it was in ny upper right-hand drawer under a paper. Mother located it when she cleaned out the chiffonier,. so do not bother to reply on that. : The tickets came this morning for the Army-Navy game, and I have given them to Mother se you are certain of viewing that great spedacie. I wish that I might be with you, but my schedule here will not permit it. Mother is leaving Lawrence on Sunday p.m. , but I am very sure that you heve all that information, so since I am very much on the run I will stop short. Here’s hoping that you and Bob have a great time with Mother. I know you will. With love I am Affectionately, Your Ded November 22, 1941 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Doar Bobby, The tickets to the Army-Navy game come this morning and I have turned them over to Mother. ‘There are four of them so if any one wants one you can sell it for $4.40 - the cost of the ducat. I would like to give it to you for one of your friends, but we are not that free with money matters since the tax schedule will be greatly extended this next years I will not send them on to you because Mother will get there before the game. You can rest assured she has it, so if you promise anyone the ticket, the promise will be made good. , I asked Roland Logan to send the tickets to you, but like all things of this nature, siipeups occur. I regret that I will not be able to be with you, but I know that you and Eleanor will have a great visit with Mother. This is a pretty full schedule today so I will desist and hope that you are well and that things ere coming along nicely with you. With all good wishes I am Affectionately, Your Dad November 20, 1941 | \ Mr. Walter Cassida — , | | \ | } 7 Lawrence, Kansas 4 Dear Walter, | ss \ \ Thank you for your post card dated Nov. 17. P appreciate \your thoughtfulness in sending it. fo an . | yi I did not feel any personal insult Monday mornizy\. I realizéd that the students desired a holiday and while I understood their feelings about this matter, I felt that I would not have been \ true to myself if I had not expressed my view of the situation at that time. A \ { \ PREY \ ie I am strong for the students at the University of Ke\nsas and as ). | far as I am concerned they are ace-high with me jnow .wnd ever. Les I was disappointed in their lack of respect for the Chancellor. \ Any little discourtesy that they might have shown to i\e made no - aifferencee I feel sure that the students would have \sed their \ better judgement and would not have behaved as thay dic\ if they had been more adequately informed of the true import of sit-down strikes. \ : \ \ % Thank you for writing me, Walter. I do appreciate very m \ch your expression of friendship. ? Sincerely yours, ch \ \ \ * | | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach | THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS } OPO Lea, FO) Bocwmas, sits A eee ee Sarre Of THe yan Po : | oe eese To YOu ee aS Ths s SPO tT O77 2 wishpp express ay 4EGL ETS for ther Ree (re fy “7 called fap | ee Ho your. e Le address. 7 ae as Ue ne | jrto Cre Xx ? i“ VW S Movember 19, 1941 Miss Eleanor Allen Sergeant Hall University of Setuestrecke Philadelphia, Pa. ‘Dear Eleanor, I have been trying +o locate wy sevond Buick key. You will recall that I gave you one key and I took the other. I am “not clear in my mind whether I put the little leather keeper = oe ee I gave you? Please understand ani cae i thine you for the non-location ef the second key. I have one in my possession, but should I jose this one I would want’ to ow where the second one is. I would @preciate it very much if you would write me right away and let me know your angie of this key situation. If you do not have it put away, I will order another one to be xept in reserve. I am hurrying now to run out to Minneapolis, Kansas to a football banquet given by the Lions Club this vives so I will make this short and snappy s Mother is planning to leave Sunday for Chicago and I am sure that you and Bob will have a great visit with her when she cones on to Philadelphia. My love and best wishes Affectionately, Your Dad November 19, 1941 Mr. B. C. Buehler K.U. Red Cross Chairman Green Hall Cempus — Dear Professor Buehler, I em enclosing my personal check for $1.00, ny contribution to the American Red Cross. | I regret that I cannot give more to this worthy organization, but there have been so many drives recently to which I have contributed that I feel that this amount is all that I can give at this time. : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Foa/pe Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 10, 1941. The annual RED CROSS ROLL CALL is on. In the midst of numerous drives for worthy causes, the call goes out for the RED CROSS, which is perhaps the world's greatest organization for the mobilization of human service for emergency needs, The RED CROSS does not recognize the boundaries of race, creed, or nations It is always ready to give aid to all types of human disaster where and when it occurs. The local RED CROSS chapter has again given the University of Kansas permission to carry out its own drive in whatever manner is most convenient to us, The last two years the K, U. RED CROSS DRIVE was successfully conducted without the usual nuisance of door-to-door canvassing, The whole—hearted cooperation of the University faculty and employees made this possible, For this reason, we are using the "honor system" type of drive again, The plan is very simple. Each faculty member and University employee is asked to do his part by direct response through the campus mails, There will be no personal canvass or call on you, You are asked to write your own ticket, Here's your RED CROSS button, sticker, and membership card, together with a self-addressed envelope and a blank check, Send money or check payable to the Douglas County Red Cross, Fill in the specified amount on the enclosed membership card and keep the card as your receipt, A complete record of all contributions and the names and amounts will be made for the files of the local chapter, We wish to point out again that the RED CROSS has no connection with the recent Community Chest Drive or any of the current British war relief organizations, This drive is purely for charity purposes, lost of the money for the RED CROSS stays here at home, to be used by the local chapter, In contributions of one dollar, half goes to the local chapter, the other half to the national organization. But all above one dollar goes entirely for local use. Contributions for less than one dollar, without membership privileges, will go to the local chapter. The days from November 11 to 18 have been set aside for the K, U, Drive, Do your part now, We ask your cooperation. Sincerely yours, "eC 7 Bert A, Nash Elizabeth Meguiar ECB/mm Henry Werner Yr) P.S. If you are unable to join the RED CROSS, please return your supplies, Post~ dated checks acceptable, November 18, 1941 Mir. Don R, Meriwether 1230 Oread lawrence, Kansas %t was certainly sporting of you to sit down and write me as you did. Frankly, I did not take it as an insult yesterday morning. There are always a few people in a crowd that you can expect un~ sportsmanlike conduct but by and lerge the students were wonderful in my-opimfon. Of course tiéy wanted a holiday and they were set upon ite But I would not have beon true to my feelings nor my convictions had I not expressed to them ny sincerest fecle ings def thet rether critical hour. Had these studénts Leen ine ‘the true import of sitedown strikes I am sure that they would have used their better judgement against the desire fer 6 .- celebrations I was embarrassed and concerned by the lack of cour= tesy shown to Chancellor Maloti, and what little emount of discour= tesy that might have been shown me was passed over lightly I assure youve 2 ae I still agree that the students of the University of Kansas make up one of the finest groups that has been my pleasure to know in my long years of association with students, They are tops with mes. Assuring you that I appreciate your consideration and your friendship in writing me and hoping that we can ¢o out and whip Missouri . Saturday I an , -8incerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg i | Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach : (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] hoa TP ea cal bs foe Ce be The same AS yours Or Sowe others, _ wk te express my d ce pest mptyt ever the wWsy e S tuden T Lined Ubes pen sed te ouy. very Bre 8 - qesture 1p Cauvoaa- ve Pow is Wbreck Sincere/ { ' Wovember 16, 1941 Nr. Gerald Hesse Lawrence Paper Mill lawrence, Kansas Dear Jerry, : Thank you so co nich for your thoughtfulness in writing me on the occasion of my birthday. I usually spend my birthdays being thankful that I am alive, happy, and well. However, I think of these blessings every other norning so today does not seem too different from any other days Thank you again, BE Gon your sincere expression of friendship. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Kecreation PCA/pe Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach © She Members of Sniends in Council invite yow to be present at thew fa fe feld in The Ol English Room December the fifth, at seven o'clock Please reply fo Via 4: T. “Walker 1655 Soniiians Sadan November 18, 194] Mr. Burt Ober Oerts Lawrence, Kansas Dear Burt, Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in writing me on the occasion of my birthday. I usually spend my birthdays being thankful that I am alive, ‘happy, and well. However, I think of these blessings évery other morning | so today does not seem too different from any other day. Thank you again, Burt, for your sincere expression of friendship. _ Sincerely, \ ae _" Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg | Varsity rt and Taseball Coach erecta Na ne rae Ee ee HEAD TOFOOT OUTFITTERS LAWRENCE, KANSAS November 18, 1941 Mr. Phog Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: It's a pleasure for me to take "time out" from business affairs and wish you many happy returns of the day. May this be a very happy birth- day for you, Phog, and may the coming year bless you with good health and good luck. Very sincerely, OBERLS By HBO’: VW