Colonel Je Se Dusenberry, Department of Military Science, University of Kansass Dear Colonel Duseuberry: I am replying informally to your very kind invitation to Urse Allen and me to attend the ‘Mlitary Ball on Friday evenings es livee Allen is in the east at present ite ing our children, and will roturn some time next weeks it happens that Mes Allen, Mrs. Lindley and irse O*Leary belong to Friends in Council, a literary organization, and I have boen asked by lirse Alien to take Mree Lindley and Mrse O*Leary to the amniversary dimer of this club which will be held Friday evoning in the 01d English Rooms We hope that the dinner will be over in time so that we my avail ourselves of your invitations Thank you very mshe Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ‘FOAsE Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.