November 22, 1941. ' Miss Eleanor Alien Sergeant Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Bleanor, I just wanted you te know that we found the key to the Buick. it was in ny upper right-hand drawer under a paper. Mother located it when she cleaned out the chiffonier,. so do not bother to reply on that. : The tickets came this morning for the Army-Navy game, and I have given them to Mother se you are certain of viewing that great spedacie. I wish that I might be with you, but my schedule here will not permit it. Mother is leaving Lawrence on Sunday p.m. , but I am very sure that you heve all that information, so since I am very much on the run I will stop short. Here’s hoping that you and Bob have a great time with Mother. I know you will. With love I am Affectionately, Your Ded