November 20, 1941 | \ Mr. Walter Cassida — , | | \ | } 7 Lawrence, Kansas 4 Dear Walter, | ss \ \ Thank you for your post card dated Nov. 17. P appreciate \your thoughtfulness in sending it. fo an . | yi I did not feel any personal insult Monday mornizy\. I realizéd that the students desired a holiday and while I understood their feelings about this matter, I felt that I would not have been \ true to myself if I had not expressed my view of the situation at that time. A \ { \ PREY \ ie I am strong for the students at the University of Ke\nsas and as ). | far as I am concerned they are ace-high with me jnow .wnd ever. Les I was disappointed in their lack of respect for the Chancellor. \ Any little discourtesy that they might have shown to i\e made no - aifferencee I feel sure that the students would have \sed their \ better judgement and would not have behaved as thay dic\ if they had been more adequately informed of the true import of sit-down strikes. \ : \ \ % Thank you for writing me, Walter. I do appreciate very m \ch your expression of friendship. ? Sincerely yours, ch \ \ \ * | | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach |