November 18, 1941 Mir. Don R, Meriwether 1230 Oread lawrence, Kansas %t was certainly sporting of you to sit down and write me as you did. Frankly, I did not take it as an insult yesterday morning. There are always a few people in a crowd that you can expect un~ sportsmanlike conduct but by and lerge the students were wonderful in my-opimfon. Of course tiéy wanted a holiday and they were set upon ite But I would not have beon true to my feelings nor my convictions had I not expressed to them ny sincerest fecle ings def thet rether critical hour. Had these studénts Leen ine ‘the true import of sitedown strikes I am sure that they would have used their better judgement against the desire fer 6 .- celebrations I was embarrassed and concerned by the lack of cour= tesy shown to Chancellor Maloti, and what little emount of discour= tesy that might have been shown me was passed over lightly I assure youve 2 ae I still agree that the students of the University of Kansas make up one of the finest groups that has been my pleasure to know in my long years of association with students, They are tops with mes. Assuring you that I appreciate your consideration and your friendship in writing me and hoping that we can ¢o out and whip Missouri . Saturday I an , -8incerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg i | Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach :