i. Robert BE. Allen, Room 44 Morris Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philedelphia, Pa. Dear Bobs Wy, how time flies! I had written Jean and told her that I was coming up to see her before she got away to the east, but I imagine by the time this letter arrives she will either be there or will arrive about the time my letter does. : I em wearing the sox that Jean mde for me, end I want her to lmow how greatly I appreciate then. I think I wrote you and told you that I wore them the night of the Colorado game, but it . wasn't due to the sox that we lost the game. Rather, it was because the boys missed two set-ups in the last three minuhds of play. They fifteen feet of him. Charlie Black missed one, and Ray Bvans missed one. So instead of two, there were three. Frankly, I think they had a hard time losing the geme in the last few seconds of play. But that is all in a lifetime, and we will take them as they come. Ye beat Rice in a thriller, but doubtless you received the papers and read enough to get the general idea. I was kind of glad that the season was over because we had quite a time. I will tell you all about it when you get home. — Ralph Miller is now in the Student Hospital with lobar pneumonia. He is really a pretty sick boy. He was not well in either of the last two games that we played. I hope you and Jean have a lovely visit, as I am sure you will. Give her my love and tell her that I am sorry I did not get that opportunity to drop by and say hello to her before she left. She is a sweet girl, and I trust that you have a fine visit. With best wishes to you both, I an Affeotionately, 4