Compiled by Horace Mason <<< Twenty-four of the past thirtyeone coaching seasons, Dre Fe Ce Allen has had championship teams. His Jayhawk quintets have won or tied for the Big Six title nine times in the last eleven years. Only once in his thirty-two years as a coach has Allen had a team which lost more games than it won, That was in 1929 when every~ thing imaginable in the way of misfortumes happened to his Kansas squad, and they won only three games. “phog's" first season in the coaching game found him turning out an undefeated team. That was in 1908 and he was coaching the Baker University team, in addition to handling the coaching reins at K.U. While Kensas was winning 18 games and losing 6, Allen's Baker team came through with a clean slate, 24 wins without a defeat. That was too easy so the following year he took # third team under his wing, the Haskell Indian Institute team. His record for all three teams was 74 victories and only 10 defeats. Dr. Allen is now coaching hiy twenty-fifth K.U. team.