December lo, 1961 Northern Tllinois College of oytenetey, Drexel Blvd. at 42nd Place, Chicago, Illinois. Dear Hub: Thanks for your good letter of the 6th instant. I am | up at the office dictating tonight prior to my going to Dodge City for a basketball clinic in which thirty high school teams are in action on Thursday and Friday of this wook. I loave at 6:50 in ee ee ee or one o'clock when I start reviewing the plays of the teams. IT am sending an autographed copy of my book, "Botter Basketball”, to John Buerson Roberts at 421 North Grove Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois. - Iwill be glad to see you when we play DePaul in Chicago on January 31. I, of course, will have some tickets for you, I hope. : Bess went to Chicago November 24th to visit Jane, whose name is Mrs. Ulwood Moms, Marshall Field Garden Apartmenta, 1421 deen adie, jae b Her telephone is Mohawk 7525. I know she and “Hoot", we call him, would be interested” in hearing from youe Give her a ring and say hello. Tien than eteg tin saviel Sapn WAGs Sees wn “Has Bess went on to Philadelphia to take in the Army-Navy game with Bob and Eleanor. eS Anchorage, Kentucky, for a week and visited with Mary and the Kiddies. She got home last night. ea canal neg sein a better time in her life. Side in lie alin ine Sh Maesiinain ak Yuan that he will make a fine physician, - as fine a one as Hub, Jr. I am awfully glad that Hub is doing so well. Give him my kindest regards and tell him that I hope he will be making twenty thousand before very long. That six thousand of his will keep the wolf from the garage door for a while. ow a rr family, and give Tom my kindest regards.