NORTHERN ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY DREXEL BOULEVARD AT FORTY-SECOND PLACE CHICAGO, ILL. Saturday, December sixth, Nineteen forty-one. Dear Phog:= I had good intemtions prior to your birthday to send you a letter of congratulation, but like a lot of those things, they are used to pave the lower regions. However, I shall extend them now, even though they are somewhat belated. Doctor Needles showed me your letters to him and thru Hubert in the matter of the scope and Doc was genuinely sorry that he was unable to be of any help to you on account of the shortage of instruments which they are all facing. He wants a number for his college and up to this time he is unable to procure thom. I am enclosing a clipping from the Herald4aAmerican Which you may not have seen. Also one from Arch Ward's column which seems to me to be the very thing you have been preaching for some time. I hear that Dutch is expecting to have a good team this year, built around Otto Graham, who must be pretty good. 18d like to hear what your prospects for this season are. While I am on the subject of basketball, will you do me a favor. John Emerson Roberts, who is Tom's son and a student of Oak Park high is a great devotee of yours and according to his father is going to develop into a first class player. I would like it very much if you would send him an autographed copy to him at his home which is 421 North Grove, Ave., Oak Park, Ills. I expect to see you when you bring your team to Chicago in January and I will pay for the book then. It would tickle the pants off of both Johnny and his dad. I have been back at my auditing job since October after having spent six months in the territory for Doc in behalf of the College, trying to dig up new students for him. I was fairly successful. I am sure Bob is doing fine at Penn but I would like to know about him. Hub is very happy at Alton and I think he has a splendid outlook there. He has a contract with the Clinic for three years at an average net in- come of a little better than $ 6000.00 a year and is then taken in as a full partner. Each of the five partners have had an income of better than twenty thousand a year for over five years, 80 you can see why I think he has a great prospect. Billi is well and happy and is the head of the Place- ment Bureau for the College. Claire's broken leg is well healed and they are very happy. This is a much longer letter than I intended to write, so I will close with my best to you and your family. Affectionately, ff