May 14, 1942. so oe oe at a eae he It won't be long now until you and Eleanor will be home and I am hoping that weather conditions and my schedule will per~ _ mit me to play a lot of golf with you. It seems as if we are more highly organized then ever during this war period. With the bad weather conditions and my baseball schedule I have really had only — one opportunity to play on Sunday afternoon. And then the speaking engagement at Wentworth and the Topeka Alumi Association ee Tt ins rained some Sundays, so my golf suffered. _ lest Saturday afternoon after we had beaten the Aggies 6-5 I went out with Milton and Otto Barteldes and played nine holes of golf. So I am hoping for more sunshine and a more relaxed schedule to get in some golf licks with you. However, if I don't play you can arrange to take full advantage of the golf course. I eet Tne ne an on She Sguntel nesberehip Yasis again ged we will arrange some sort of a similar schedule for you. We enjoy your lottars which cone regularly every Tuesday. it is very thoughtful of you to write as you do with your busy work which I know takes most of your time. I do not know whether Nother has decided definitely to make the trip Hast or not. She wavers sometines between desire and economy. But I would not be a bit sur- a Oe Te ee Se ee oe Se eet eee. With lots of good luck, I am affectionately, My. Robert E. Allen, : University of Punnsylvania,