STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY EARL H. REED, D. 0. 815 KANSAS AVE. TOPEKA, KANSAS September 2, 1941. Forrest C. Allen,D.0., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allens: I am enclosing your file and 1941-42 annual registration certificate #271. Seems too bad that in a country like ours, a person cannot take part in the activities of his ow profession without first wondering what the effect would be on the dominant school. However, I am fully aware of your situation and have often thought how difficult it must be for you to stay in the mid@le of the road and keep our opposition satisfied. On second thought it is not so difficult to see that the Alumni want winning basketball teams and that is what they are getting under your leadership.. I am sure that the Board will see your position as.I dovend ‘ will endorse my action of issuing your 1941-42 certifis