: PUBLISHERS OF _ Be. THE JOURNAL OF THE A 2 . C. "4 : “Seaton merican “execurive secneTany 4 OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION oO e e ¥. ; ‘ ‘ F c.N. Oo. 1 a esp eas steopathic Association ne nee THE OS er sunencvin GENERAL OFFICES — 540 N. MICHIGAN AVE, ae HEA ; LTH Cc H I Cc 4 G oO RAY G. HULBURT, D.O. ; EDITOR ida tivesabapeasa 8 Re pas lee Ser ENED ILL SER Nae a SE <3 oO 6 Auguat 25, 1941 Dr. Julius McoEride 1710 Yale Street Houston, Texas Dear Dr. McBride: Your letter has been referred to me in which you say that you heve been unable to find "Phoc" Allen listed in the 4,0,a, directory. 7 a... wero _ You call attention to the fact that he has created much good will for osteopathy; that your local high school coaches ask you about his writings, ete., and it is a puzzle to you to know why there isn t more about him in the literature or at least why hie name is not in the directory. The medical okigarchy in Kansas is strong enough that it has euceeeded in making it very uncomfortable for some of the officials of the state university because of Dr. Allen's position there. In order to cause these lay friends as little grief as possible Dr, Allen has insistently requested that his osteopathic connections be not high lighted too auch. Ag for the directory! #.t contains the names of members of the 4merican Osteovathic Association and of others who are eligible to membership end in practice, Dr, Allen is not in practice, I shouldn't wonder if it would be well for us to modify that rale somewhat and include the names of some who are not actually practicing osteopathy and yet who are doing work that is highly creditable to the profession. ‘Tn this we would have to be guided by Dr, Allen's wishes, already referred to. Dr. Allen has written two book, “My Sesket Ball Bible,” th edition published in 1980 by “mith-Grieves Co., Kansas City, Mo., price $4,00, and "Better Basket Ball Technique," published in 1957 by McGraw-Hill Sook %o,, 330 #, 47th Street, New York City, price $4.00. Fraternelly yours, agin, ae hy Ray G, Hulburt, D0. 4 RGA: JL Editor : +. Bee sees Spee ON ce we at ei tole NS ae