November 17, 1942. Mr. and Mrs., Elwood Mons, — Box 254, ‘Pensacola, Florida. Dear Jane and Hoot: I read both your letters, Jane and Hoot, and of course 1 was immensely pleased to hear from you. I will tell you frankly I have fully intended each day for a month to get a letter off to you hard- working youngsters, but it has been a near impossibility. secs tae Wieries Weds eae Wes Yk Peete cnt tae. 4. W, ik to- gether with their son, Lane, out to dinner. Lane has his wings, but I think he is in ground work. Professor Davis gave me the names of Mr. and Mra. Malcolm Yonge, business man, and Mr. J. EB. Vavis Yonge, attorney. They are uncles or cousins, and I believe cousins, of Professor Davis. Professor Davis asked that we write you and tell you to look them up in Pensacola and say helle to the Yonges for the Davises. Now you will understand that if it is not convenient for you, I do not expect you to do it, but Professor Davis says these are very promin- ent people in Pensacole and they will be delighted to see you. I be- lieve Mother asked you to look up Miss Hogan's brother or someone down there, but if you do not do this mission with the Yonzes I assure you that I can easily forget it. I thought it might provide you two with some contact other than the routine of officer's associations which are always pleasant, but even at that a couple sometimes enjoys sitting in a civilian's home with its attendant conversation, which is different somewhat from the military. I am indeed pleased that you are joining the card club, Jane, be- cause I think one afternoon a week is a good thing for young married people. When you have so much time on your hands a scheduled meeting of this kind is refreshing. You will form friendships that will last throughout your lifetime and I am sure that you have the ability to pick Saws friendships from among your adacciates and in the service. Mother and I were especially proud of Hoot in his vhetunes. He looks like a real officer and I am sure that he will bear out every inch of it. When will you people be coming back? Certainly Hoot will have a furlough when his training period is over.