\ als My basketball practice will come at night. In fact, it is going on NOW x get ts te Wie WAG Ok Salleh a nines ub 0290 Seely te, es any: theaughaws She fey tik Shen Gene back at ¥ and sas busy Un¥il about 10 coaching basketball. This is rather a strenuous program, when I com- bine it with two or three academic classes and the administrative load which during war times is especially heavy. But why elaborate on that? That is just what everybody has to do during the war - more work, and we are tickled to death to do it because if we can lend any effort in any way toward whipping those squareheads, those spaghetti benders and those slit-eyes, then 7 want to do ali that I can to get the job over with &S soon as possible. 5 haven fusulty mneting 0% 4180 Sn the College of ldleval deta, so I am trying to write a letter to you and Hoot, one to Bobby, one to _ Bleanor, and one to Mary. I haven't written any of them before, so you see I am treating all you children alike. I wouldn't write one wmtil I could write all of you. Do not have a stroke of apoplexy or cardiac ee ee en eee @ letter from me. I read each one ee eee a am very proud of both of you. I like the fight that yo en ee ee attitude Hoot will fee very proud of you. Mother and I are very proud - at Wk san tad Mack nak know that when you are called on for service you will as you have before respond one hundred per cent. You did a swell job as Nurses Aide and in your other work in Chicago, and Hoot did the fine thing of going to Pensacola rather than to serve in less active lines. With love to you both, I am Affectionately, PCA:AH 4 P.S. Congratulations to you on your birthday tomorrow. It is mine, also, so we will both celebrate and be happy in oe ce a en Shak oe many blessings to be thankful for. Would it be proper to suggest that you kiss Stormy once for me?