th all the qood wishes that come to you on Your BiiRTHDAY please count this one eee the warmest eae teenth of fon Waapy Birthaey I a Gary “IN WHE BAG /” December 16, 1940 | a ng your heavy correspondence I thought I return it to you so that you could earry on with "snfomation please". Give my love to your mother, your daddy, your sister and your brother, and all the little pups that you heaves Affectionately, December 7, 1940 Ure Kelly cea i. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Hrs Kellys I @m sending my receipted bill to you end would like for you to check or item dated Novenber 9 for Pownde, $1250. I do not remember of ever having purchased any Pomade and would appreciate it if you could enlighten me on the purchases ‘Thanking you, I amy. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Manager, Commonwealth Theaters Lawrence, Kansas Dear Stans I reosived your pesteard dated December 3 eddressed to Phog Allen, ee that according to your contract, etce , Had this notice been sent a week or two weeks or ¢ven @ month before Northwest Mounted Police appeared it would have been highly acceptable. You have had your contract, doubtless, for several months, but to havo stockholders cone to the window and be told ty the er that the pass was no good, especially when you have written on the pass “good anytime", then I would say the Sullin tint doce that etasee 728 teak | I have always bought from $12 to $26 worth of Christmas books to be distributed to the youngsters. I Shespk thie yone X madd taseel uy Gani in soneeiée else that would make the children happye Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach : S794 [ THIS SIDE OF CARDTS FOR ADDRESS J . eee ae erating _ Jkkecording to our comtreet, the producers of Northwest Mounted Police Will not honor passes on this engagenent., It is possible that you might -misunderstand the wording on your pass "good aniy~ time" which refers: to Sat. Sun. and holidays, This pass was issued to you for regular priced shows only Whereas Northwest Mounted Police carries in- creased prices. This should have been called to your attention long before this and it was an over= | Sight on my part. | Sincerely, ] K bfk | NOTE: Please remit for this bill by check or money order. It is not safe to remit in currency. However if you must send currency be sure always to register your letter. DO NOT SEND STAMPS, —we cannot accept them in payment, since we use a Postage Meter for our postage. In account with: Mrs. Forrest C. Allen 801 Louisiana Street Lawrence, Kans. 1 Copy of November Book FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS Ine’l. Postage § $2.85 Please notify us of any change in address. ONE BOOK GIVEN -— for $12 deposit; TWO BOOKS GIVEN — for $24 deposit THREE BOOKS GIVEN — for $36 deposit Choose your books from the booklet entitled ‘Free Books” One of the heaviest expenses of the Book-of- the-Month Club service (an expense that can be avoided) is caused by the sending out of monthly bills, and the necessity of making debit and credit entries every month on tens of thousands of sub- scribers’ accounts. Our auditors have calculated that when money is deposited in advance by subscribers for books they will later purchase, the resulting saving in expense enables us to make the above concession. Subscribers who thus make a deposit in advance, retain all their present privileges. The amount paid in advance is not for any specific number of books, nor for any definite period of time, but Printed in U.S.A. for $12.00 or $24.00 worth of books. In par- ticular, it should be understood that it does not obligate the subscriber to buy a book every month. It can be used up as quickly or as slowly as the subscriber finds books that he wants to purchase. When it is used up, the subscriber will receive a statement of his purchases up to that date. The advantages of paying in advance are obvi- ous: you receive a free book or books, and you are also saved the nuisance of paying small monthly bills. Incidentally, by relieving the Book- of-the-Month Club of a great deal of avoidable bookkeeping, it helps in general to improve the character of the service that can be given you. 3 November 26, 1940 Dearest Daughter Janes I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have written eae Wn a ee ee ee ee plants in Chicagoe He represents some packing plant in the State of Iowa. You WAIT voneubew thet Austin Faskingy wen trmguumig tai: the’ Brn Payers of _ ‘the Standard 011 Company, told me about and insisted that Austin come to : _ the hotel for a visit. He did this and we had a very nice afternoon. Austin is attending the Coumtry Day School, I believe, in ce at least it is some private schoole i secleins aieies See ead es, ee ak Cs there that Taylor made their acquaintances. He hopes to come back and attend Kee Incidentally, he is an athlete--a football and basketball player~-and — @ swell looking young mane I would be glad if you had time enough to say nents Se ER i See OF Fee FINNS meets | | We certainly enjoyed having you hoes I em going to write you a Sebten dn SMGNA Se Mee Seep Gaae tudeuh bok x howe been so rushed that i have not had the opportunity as yete . The Vautity 26 ploying the Allstars tentcht at Toth. Prior to | that at 6:00 Nother and I are going over to the Phi Delt House where I speak soon after 6:00, and then I go down to a Chili Feed at the High School J peek Sov sheet @0 mhacten a6 ¢o6, vad Shan Ue hnbe aur gua ak Pell oo” you see my speaking schedule is pretty heavy. tast night Mother and I attended the Pi Phi House, where I talked to the girls in their recreation roome These speaking engagements are in conmnestion with the Student Christian Movencnt. They close their meetings tonight prior to the game. Paul Moritz, you will remenber him as & Sumerfield scholar and a YMCA President, has been in China for the Student Christian Federation, He ee SARIS "Tere aie O's aa Pinger ‘1 trust that you are woll and happye : Affectiontely, November 20, 1940 Evelyn end Bud Harriman Rebinson Gym University of Kanses Dear Evelyn and Bud: It wes mighty nice end extremely thought- ful of you to remember me with those delicious applese Nothing you sould heave given me would heave done me more good end made me feel any better. When you get things like thet in the bag, remember you are rendering a real service and you are also thinking of a lonely old man who needs the apples. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA zme November 20, 1940 Mire Gordon Gray Rebinson Gym University of Kansas Dear Gordon: Thenk you very much for your thoughtful- - mess in sending me the birthday greeting. It was mighty nice of you and I assure you that I deeply appreciate it. With all re- siprocel good wishes I am, Sincerely yours, "Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach PCA sme November 19, 1940 Mre Russell Mosser Phi Delta Kappa 119 Freser fall University of Kanses Dear Mr. Mosser: I acknowledge receipt of your communicetion of the 16th and I am happy to accept your fraternity's invitation to receive me into your membershipe I was informed thet the initiation is to be December 3. Age that is the date of the initietion, I am sorry that I made a previous commitment te speak at Vellington, Kansas, on that date at a community banquet. If I could be advised of te date in advance [ will make every effort to free my eallendar so that I can be presente Please find enclosed »y check for $12.50, t»e fee for initistions Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education end Pecreation Versity Basketball Coach PCA: lg:min Enol e Phi Delta Kappa 119 Fraser Hall University of Kansas Datorence November 16, 1940 Dr. F. G. Alien Robinson Gymnasium Campus Dear Dr. Allen: At a regular meeting of Kappa Chapter of the Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity you were elected to candidacy for membership. Phi Delta Kappa is a fraternity composed of men doing advanced or graduate work in education or expecting to make education their profession. Election to membership is from men doing superior work. The purpose of this Fraternity is two-fold: first, to afford mutual aid and inspiration to men in this work, and second, to promote the social life of its members. One of the members of the Fraternity has probably already informed you of your election, but if not, will do so within a few days. Will you kindly notify me at 119 Fraser Hall if you accept this invitation to candidacy to membership? In case of an affirmative answer, you will be notified of the time and place of the initiation. The secretary will also inform you of any special preparation required for the initiation. The fee, ex- clusive of jewelry, is #12.50, payable at the time of initiation. Sincerely yours, Secretary Va baht | FORM 126 4 re STANDARD O11 COMPANY (INDIANA) KANSAS City BRANCH SALES DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES J. W. WILSON, MANAGER H. E. PURDY, asst. MANAGER 1 PARSON, see. MANAGER KANSAS Crry, Mo. November 14, 1940 FILE F Dre F. G. Allen SUBJECT ACCOUNT c/o University of Kansas Lawrence, Sans. Dear Dr. Allen: Acknowledging your letter of November 11, with reference to your account, and the receipt of two July tickets on your Oct ober statement. fn the rush of business in our office in handling some 20,000 of these accounts, a bunch of July tickets, sent to us by dealers became misfiled and were not located until the latter part of September. these went through on our October sales, which accounts for these tickets appearing on your October statement. We apoligize for our mistake which of course was avoidable, and assure you that under ordinary circumstances, there is no unnecessary delay in handling these tickets and they usually are included in the current month or the month following. We ask your pardon for the condition this time, and hope you will have no cause to complain again in this respect. Yours truly, STANDARD OIL GREWIT DEPART WMS sML ALL QUOTATIONS IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTED ON BACK HEREOF 3.4905 ANY QUOTATIONS ON PROSPECTIVE SALES, AND PRICES NAMED BY THIS COMPANY FOR CURRENT OR FUTURE DELIVERY ON ANY PRODUCT DELIVERED WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, ’ ARE MADE WITH. THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ANY INTERNAL REVENUE TAX, WAR TAX, EXCISEy TAX, SALES TAX, IMPORT, EXPORT, IMPOST, TONNAGE. SHIPPING OR OTHER CHARGE, OR TAX OF ANY KIND, EFFECTIVE AT THE PRESENT TIME OR HEREAFTER MADE EFFECTIVE AND. © LEVIED BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY ON THE PRODUCT, ON THE PRODUCT CON-' . TAINER, ON THE MANUFACTURE. TRANSPORTATION AND/OR SALE OF «THE PRODUCT, OR’ ~ ON THE CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT PRICE, PROFITS, OR ANY MATTER CONNECTED THEREWITH, SHALL BE ADDED TO THE PRICE FURNISHED, AND PAID BY THE PURCHASER: UNLESS PURCHASER ELECTS TO WAIVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND DELIV.) ERY OF THE PRODUCT. OR UNLESS THIS COMPANY ELECTS TO PAY THE SAME.-AND* THAT IN) © THE EVENT THAT THIS COMPANY IS PREVENTED FROM MAKING DELIVERY BY PARTIAL OR TOTAL INTERRUPTION OF ee FACILITIES, OR BY FIRES. OR STRIKES, OR BY ANY INTERFERENCE OF CIVIL OR) MILITARY AUTHORITY. OR FOR ANY, GAUSE* BEYOND) ITS~ CONTROL, THIS COMPANY CANNOT DELIVER SAID a RoDULt SNDee Rone PRESS INSURANCE .AND- OTHER COSTS, TH'S GOMPANY WILL NOT BE OBLIGATED.TO MAKE THE DELIVERY OF THE SAID PRODUCT. ; ‘ ‘ eSheneteia tedoTa QUOTATIONS ARE LIKEWISE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT IF ANY LAW. FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL, OR ANY REGULATIONS OR RULES ISSUED THEREUNDER. OR ANY ACTION OF ANY FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL AUTHORITY. AND/OR THE DEPRECIATION OF THE CUR- | RENCY OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE REDUCTION IN THE GOLD CONTENT OF THE DOLLAR. THE ISSUE OF FIAT MONEY. INFLATION, EXPANSION OF CREDIT. OR OTHERWISE. ‘SHALE, IN: THE JUDGMENT OF THE SELLER. REQUIRE ANY CHANGE IN THE PRICES. TERMS. AND/OR ~ CONDITIONS HEREIN QUOTED. THEN IT. SHALL. BE UNDERSTOOD THAT, SUCH.CHANGES MAY. . BE MADE BY THIS COMPANY UBON NOTICE TO THE PURCHASER. OE pee rey ee = * ce SeQcR ag sees S Aa sy "L > 7 TSE G82 STANDARD OIL COMPANY CINDIANA) meee ts Oa aOR ie CAA uh at es ieee PR Oke ME Oe ER ew eireny GB owe «J MSO Ba & > ba ob Aa Li aihe ‘Sit £ sm 2 a e OI aie 4 Par iz ~ Sl ie é - 4% La Ve aD Sk Siw Bz j Lf » ie Woe . z ES ’ A a a * ¢% : ie ge £4. soaker Reg ae ¥ te k : . ica Se = fin i e te x Sat ; 4 i ah 5 e - * a A : % s , oe rr hd — 4, - § 7 he x & i w 3a cy " i i Eos Tit r < 4 z (m4 ne * ae “0 4 rs ei ge 2. . 4, ~ % * ™ % * x \ ae %, ) ‘ mo & te ia ~, Hovember 12, 1940 Miss Jane Allen S-Arts Club 1300 Noe Dearborn Ste Chicago, Illinois Dear Janes I am sending you an Athletic Association copy of my book, Better Basketball. “The Tales of Yesteryear" in the back of the book are the yarns that I think the girls wanted to reads Please be sure that the girls peruse these fairly early and save the wrapper, because after they have read the stories I am sure they will be through with it and you can mail it back for 627. Let's put a limit of Thanksgiving on the use of the book, and tell them it has to be returned by thene I believe the girls will get all the reading that they want by that time. I told Mother about my buying you the hair brush and the skates, etc. I thought it would be best to let her knows I want you to know how very happy I was to see and be with youeo It was a very enjoyable occasion for me and we are looking forward to seeing you on Thanksgivinge With my kindest regards to all the girls who ate at our table, and with love to you, I am affectionately, Your Dad, flovenber li, 1940 The Standard 041 Canpany 2 West 40th Street Kansas City, Missouri Gentlemens a an — et ali pleased. to receive two iaicteas from your Company dated daly 16 for $2.10 and another on July 17 for $2.06 which were ineluded din the leveaber account mailed ‘to Nee ae gt wae thling be cdeioh tbe wcll in : Lawrence and find he hag had the same expericncce I like to pey my bills promptiy.and i am displeesed with this method of ene , Very éopinitty yours, treater of Physical ndueetion and ere Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg University of Kansas Young Men’s Christian Association Dr. F.%. Allen Robinson Gymnasium, University of Kansas — On behalf of the Kansas University Young Men’s Christian Association, we wish to thank you for your helpful contribution of $ 5-00 ___to itsbudget an oe for the coming year. Oct. 25, 1940 ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Theodore Paullin, Chairman Prof. J.J. Wheeler, Vice-Chairman Prof.HaroldG.Ingham, Treasurer Prof. Allen Crafton George Docking Rev. Joseph F. King Dr. Hilden R. Gibson Dean Paul B. Lawson Fred S. Montgomery Dean F. J. Moreau Prof. Bert A. Nash Prof. R. H. Wheeler STUDENT OFFICERS Ed Price, President Keith Martin, Vice-President Lloyd Estes, Secretary Jim Burdge, Treasurer Dear Co-Worker : University of Kansas Young WMWlen’s Christian Association Kansas Memorial Union Building Lawrence, Kansas Executive Secretary JOHN J. O. MOORE STUDENT CABINET Donn Mosser, Finances Henry Holtzclaw, Publicity Hartwell Jewell, Concessions Ernest Klema, John Conard Donald Hayman, Freshman Council David Watermulder, Paul Gilles Bob Collett, Cline Hensley, Verlyn Norris, Religion Al Decker, Keith Spalding, Bill Cavert, Bill Miller, Jack Dunagin, Personnel George Kettner, Gerald Banker, Wallace Dooley, Carl Unruh, Bernard Lambert, Social Action Please accept our thanks in advance for hel eee secure the necessary finances for operating the Y.M.“.A. another year. May we remind you again of the "Kick-off" dinner (complimentary) in the Kansas Room of the Memorial Union, Tuesday, at 6:00 Pi, Uctober 22, It is of the utmost importance that you be present to receive your assignment and instructions, and bring yourself up to date on the activities of the organization. Loyally, Theodore Paullin WE. Paul B. Sandelius Lawson FACULTY COMMITTEE October 25, 1940 | : Thank you for your communication of the 12th instant regerding the tuberculin test. I was very happy to submit to the examination and I assure you that I had no untoward symptons in any way whatscevers I never gave it a second thought although the test was positives I think this was a splendid thing for the Board to do and I see no reason why anyone should not want to cooperate — 200% in the effort to have a more healthy faculty citizenry. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Resreation Varsity Basketball Coach UNIVERSITY OF KANSaS HEALTH SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Lawrence, Kansas October 12, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Robinson Gym University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, The tuberculin test given you on was positive indicating that you have had exposure to tuberculosis sometime in the past. Your record will be kept on permanent file. The X-ray taken to determine if there is any evidence of active tuberculosis in the lungs has now been read and the report is as follows: The lungs are normal; there is no evidence of adult type of tuberculosis. Several people reported that after naving had the test they noticed various symptoms of nausea, pain in the chest, aching of the muscles or faintness, I can assure you that none of these symptoms can be attributed to the test. The only possible reaction from the tuberculin test is localized swelling with some soreness of the arm at the site of the injection and very rarely, some discomfort up the under side of the upper arm. Yours truly, Le See Ralph I, Canuteson, Mi. De Director, Health Service. RICs:s This examination was ordered by the Board of Regents. October 4, 1940 | a 2110 Central ) Eanes City, Wissour’ Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed my cheek in the amount of two dollars and fiftyesix cents ($2.56), ae See Fe Cover Ue Giptont Tuy DERE Pentered, Please change the initial of my mame to PeCs instead of Bele Thank yous Very cordially yours, Direster of Physical Education and Recreation oe lis Bede Garich, Jre Garich Professioml Prescription Shop 105 Bast Sih Street Lawrence, Kansas bear lr. Gariohs : Please find enclosed my check in the amount of fifteen dollars and eighty-five cents ($15.85) as per your bill rendered. I chose to pay this myselfs < will explain this to you when i see you sometings Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and heeveekion Varsity Basketball Coach — y Spe Gaara: hy OED See = $ k qe ay SSCs tn mcrae Se oe ores “ EC ENO RS yee Sd = ‘2 ae: Sat ee a SS eee ee Drae Bice & Bustace ke Tear Irs» Bice & Eustace: fine my check in the . Enclosed please auount of seven duliars ($7.00), in payment of professional servicese Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation . Varsity Baskettall Coach sUhslg EuGe October $, 1940 Secretary Chamber of Commerce lawrence, Fanses Dear Sirs Bnelosed is my chéck in the anount of three dollars and seventy«five cents ($3675), my third quarter payments Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | Ente