FOUNDED A.D.1792 Snsurane Cempanyy of Nwith. Wii neEA OFF LC DEPARTMENTS PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO CAPITAL ead PRR ee $12.000.000 A. J. MCKINNEY, AGENT TORONTO CABOOL, MO. JuneSOth 1941. ize Forrest,,¢ lien. awrencé; Kal Dear Sir: Yours of the 27th just received, will say that I Went and saw Mir, Vaughn, and he acted like he did not want to deal through a Real Estate man, so I gave him the price of ~1250.00,. and told him to take it up with you,and |i also Gave lirex.B.Grisham your name and addres. and he told iir Vaughn, that he had the selling of ite 50 now every thing i have done was to help you out, and 1 think if you Sell either to Wire - Vaughn or lir Grisham & ice, (they are partners in the seal Kstate Bus). That I would be entitled to necognition at least. So consider it well’ and put yourself in ny place. I helped Your father all the time he was hear and did not eharge him any thing,But he was my friend, so now let me hear from you as to what you want to do, if you do not went my help Just Say SOc«