STATE OF MISSOURI, CURRENT TAX ete ae os ar pains TOWNSHIP — , 0 \. ORIGINAL y Dew: // N° 191 County of Texas, » . Collector's Office, ..... Och UM Ly Seccohatncnnch Moo. eect ieee 19. a]. Received of : a tT baad (3 Chea Se oe ee oe Address... A. AAAS AL Ad het, Fi: Cte f olurtatio - wade Cal J Ad fy 2 DOLLARS Being the amounf of Taxes upon the following Real Estate, for the year 1938 4 INLAND, SPRINGFIELD, MO. ‘dace DESCRIPTION OF LAND a a Rng. || Valuation oe School Tax State Tax Co. Rev. Tax ae Ses —_—— — Bont tex pak ship ~~ Pensies TOTALS . 3 : No. $ Cts. $ | Cts. | $ Cts. || ¢ |Cts.]] $ |Cts. | $ cts] ¢ lcs. || ¢ (ces. | $ (ces. | $ | Cts. $ Cts. a pte iovil Jol Wwol@l s2a/|_2 Bist 2 , 202, Ftib - | eat a | 4¥ol M44 S64 1D | 890| 547/174 8/1 22178 /pY f ¥d/ + 7 / 7 7 | . / / 7 t Personal Property, a’ TOTAL /3 131278 434 3H 4 /\00 By Rian Ue ernes eer er ieee aC ye Re Wit Ahe.... Pe ee ea ee ee wp. Deputy Collector.