oo ‘ | CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS See. 1. (a) The garrier or party in possession of any of ithe property herein described shall be liable aa at common law for any loss thereof or damage thereto, except - hereinafter prov: (b) No carrier or pa’ parte 10 possession of allot any of the Senay herein deecribed ehall be lable fcr ary loca thereof or darnage therata or delay caused yf the et actof Go d, the public ener y the authority of law, or the act or default of theshipper or owner orfor naturalsbrinkage. ‘The terrier *sliability shall t of warehouseman, only, for loss, SETAE, or delay cau by fire after the expiration of the free time ilove y teri fslawfully on file (suc 1 free time to be computed eee pro- oveurrin vided) after notice of the arrive lof the property at destiraticn or at the port of export Eeisoiseaes 16 for export) has been duly sent for delivery at destination, or panes 2 ee ey of the property to the party en- | or given, and after Piccment of of the ey titled to receive it ap been m. xcept in case of ae ee of aN carrier ot rty i freedom from such negligence thai be on the carrier or perty. von ), the carrier or party in forloss, damazve, or Beey. occurring while the property is ae and held Me transit upon the sequees of the shipper, owner, or pace Pees to make- ‘such request, or-reaulting from @ defect or vice in the property, or for country damage to cotton, or from riots or atr ‘{e) Incase ot quaréottie the property may be discharged at tisk and expense of owners into quarantine depot, or elsewhere, as saneiiene Oe quarantine eos or authorities, ur for the carrier's dispatch at nearest available point in carrier's judgment, and in an ‘case ca ility shall cease when property is so discharged, or property may be retur: urned b by carrier at owner’s expense to sipping pe Beit, earning freight both ways. Quarantine expenses of whatever nature or kind upon Bok in estos’ to prope Sife hal! be bo: y the. marenee of the property & be a lien th The carrier shall not be jiable for loss oceasione ad cary mece or dininf fection or other acta required or acne by quarantine regulations or authorities even though, the . same may hi lone by carrier's officers, ageute, or em ns he nor for detention, loss, or damage of any & in: perenne by quarantine or the one thereof. No carrier shall be lab except in case a ae. ee Bn: ke or vin _ any information furnished by the earrier, its agents, or officers, as to quarantine am Tee oh ship © oer hold "the carriers harmless i Bees aoe expense they may incur, or damages they may be required iene eae. b the ene of — propery covered is contractinto any place against the quarantine laws or regulations effect i at ‘eck prauosessivss (and the burden to prove (a) No. ses is bound to transport said property by an rticular train or vessel, or in time for an: tie ar er = Steiice than with reasonable dispatch. pe Poarier shal fave the right in case of pe Neccaaity. pasticular my said e8 Sci and ake Sone of ee n cogs See not prohibited by law, a fuel shipper, or upes n writing asthe ion or ta a ‘upon which ¢ the rate ch based, euch value plus pe * or not such lose or dai filed in writing wi . Fel ‘upe ie ebarerey paid shall be he. estes aroount to ma; e the receiving or deliverin @ & condition precedent t very, pining murat © neta this y oe of ee or Sra on on whose toas, damage, injury or delay occurred, within nine months after d export ane: within nine months after delivery at port of export) or, in case of failure to onable time for aoa has elapsed; — va mite shall be instituted against any carrier ie day seam’ the ee when not in writ iting is he — to the claimant that the carrier or parte thereof Spedihed int the notice. reclaim not filed ea or. a. saree not incited any ith: the oregoi rovisio’ rrier hersunder ehail be line, aod atich claim ney et on} oO! ordamage to any of said p msipere es shalt have oy full Tiboneht mee any tide of on account of said propery 80 far ts this ahall hall mot avoid the policies or burse the claimant for the premium as 5 i property. sh abst} be oe " there a (c) Any eatrier or ance that may hav uy dueurance: a Ene That the carrier adm: i eieers Keone where suc ie required as the result of carrie: ng at carrey over.whose route cotton or cotton’ ic have the e priileee. atitsown ost and vasing the same for greater convenience in Srandiling « on forwards e pals hal} id reaponsible for NA or. Saawoide lays in procuri rs com gion. Grain in bulk consign a Teint icensed Svan. ree oy less otherw: expresdly no ed herein, ‘and then if it is no prone ly unloaded) be there delivered and with other fie: of the same kind and gr: ithout respect to ownership (and proms _ motte # bereot Ea te 4 eee to the vousignor), and if so delivered shall be subject to @ lien for elevator charges in addition to all % ¢ s nT i ec. 4. (a) Property not removed by the party entitled to pete! ee it within the free time allowed by tariffs eee on _ (auch trea time to be computed as ect rovided), after notice of the arrival of the property at destination or at of export (if intended for export) has ly sent or given, and after placement of the eens t = eae at d ps kept in vessel, car ee oes, or pire of delivery of the car Eee sub, he tariff charge for ato r= man, only, t the option of the carrie ay vee ees o' to and storedin ee li ace oe Vdelivery or Sather “available plnee, at the eat of the owner, and there a withont hie ay on the purt of the carrier, an subject toa tien for all freight and other tawful: charges, including & reago; tors (by we here non-perishable property which has been transported to destination hereunder is refused ah ane or the part entitled tu receive it, or said co! nee or party entitled to receive it fails to receive it within 15 soya atler not f — pe hav n duly sent or given. the, carrier may sell the same at public auction pone highest bidder, at auch Bian - oa di -mated by the carrier: Provipep, That the carricr shall have firat mailed, sent, or given to the vonsignor n:tice at the P roperty. . haa beon refused or reniains vnelabned, &a the case may be, and that it will be Mle to ue wnder the terms po bill orang df disposition be not arene for and cane tee ublished notice containing a the property, the name of t - to whom od, or if shi hipped order notif 'y the name of the party to be notified. and the time and place of sale, once a ee fortwo acaabiee weeks, in a newapa papetet of ip circulation at t ce where sich newspaner is pub- lished: Proviprp, That t 30 dayr shal fore publication of notice of scabs shall 5 gore there ig a railroad, public or} $ of sale-or sale after said notice that the property was refused or remains unclaimed wae mailed: an or a Gives, {e) Where perishable property which Le been traneported hereunder to destination is refused by eohaignee or party entitled to receive it, or said consignee or party entitled to receive it shail {ail to receive it promptly, the carrier ma, . in its discretion to prevent deterivration or further deterioration sell the same to as best advantave at private or public vipeo, That if of the property or she feante to receive it ‘and request for dis- tf owner of the ref: ue diligence requires, before the prop- time serves for noti tien shall be given in auch manner aa the exercies 0 t to — of the property, such ‘notibes _ artyla ald, ion shall not beliable | -(d} Where the procedure provided for in the two paragraphs last preceding is not possible, itis agreed that nothing contained in said paragrapha shail be construed to abridge > Heed of the carrier at its option to sell the property under such ecircum- stancés and in-such manner as may be authorize {e) The nnd any of any aale made under this site ‘shall be applied by the ee a =e seis be of freight, reste any other lawful charges and the expense of notice, advertisement, sale, and Tr necessary expense and of ese ‘oF a oe en nis npn ey gs popes care ot the same requires special cesaan aud should there be @ bulance it shall - paid o own o) rty destined to. co taken from m ceation wharf, or landing at which there is no regularly s ted freight t shall be entirely le ae of tele eee paeces from cars or vessels or until loaded into, cars or v: egsels, and, except in case o} mae et 3 d to such stations, wharves, or landings shall be ut o: het" 's'risk until the cara are at- tached to kod after 1 they are n aataihed £ rom locomotive or train or until | into and after caedot essols. Sec. 6. No carrier hereunder will carry or be liable in any way for any documents, epecie, or for any articles of extraordinary blished classifications or @ Unless a special agreement to do so and 4 stipulated value of the articles aoe indor whether principal or avent, ship Bec.6. Every party, explosives or dangerous goods, without previous full pohiieawod dia- elosure to thes carrier of'th their nature, shall be liable for an eee es casslet against all Joes _ ar emiage caused by such goods, ls may be warchoused at owner's risk and expense or destroyed without compenas' The owner or consignee shall pay the freight rey average, if an: ce a other: Tawtale cheeien accruing on said prop- erty; bee, except in those instances where it may law: en be authorized to earrier by ee pad shall deliver = relinquish \s wanes not abe cinceny, ce ae ne pul Possession at destination of the property coveted by this bill of pain until alt ‘tari rate and ¢ barges iherion hay. he consignor shail be liable for Rhe freight and all phere c pare except that if the consignor e| “iehie lates, by Migcatire in the ® space provided for that pirpore on the face of this bill of lading th: eae: carrier Skhoet ot make delivery wit out requiring Say eke of such charges and the carrier. cones to suc: 44 pees Ry ake make delivery without requiring such payment, the onsignor (except as hereinafter provided) shall not se - ‘or auch charges, Pagrined, That, where the carrier has been in- structed by ae ghipper or consignor to leet Lith toa acnaieane other than the shipper or conaignor, such consignee shall ni bie for transportation ch @ transportation er eald property (beyon: eheee dette me ve! rees him at eke eae of delivery for which he ia stherwise ma Feapect of th may be foun n de! to him, if the consignee (a) is an agent only and has no Donofotel title in said property, and ivery of anid property ied the delivering eaerder SSE of Ape -— of uel : vency and absence of bene and, in the case of a shipment reconsigned or diver’ her Bhan th : er bill of lading, has —. ae the delivering carrier in writing of the name and addrcas ae the moc. ane of maid expe ot an ipper or eonaigeer ona the case of & guts so reconsigned or diverted, the beneficial owner abe shat be liable for a RnR eee co ee shal d to ms Gus we: the pe property has bee! the imeelf be liable f foratich patitiaat conte Net Ring herein sali the tight the carrie er fo requir Ot thie of shipment th gs a onal ¢ ares. fot Bok ere; 8 m er oO e carrier re: re B ibe shipinen e men antes of the charges. If upon laspeetion it je ancertained that the articles shipped are not those described fi'this bill of lading, the freight ie articles actual Sec. 38. arpa bill of of mes: ie oan on th the eee of aa ipper, or his agent, In exchange or In substitution for another bill of Iading, t ve van r’s signature to the prior bill of lading as to the statement of value or otherwise, or election of Sonne ae or bill of lading liabilit or in connect. bit with such Dricr bill of lad: nanan be considered a part of this bill of lading as f aa if the same were written or made in or in connection with this bill of ec.9.. (a) If all or Soy part of said property is ae by — over any part of sald route, such water carriage shall ‘ performed aubject to all the terms and provisions of, and all the exemptions from liability contained in, ape Act of the Congress of tates, approved on February A ‘1863, and entitled hn act relating to the navigation of vessels, ete.,”’ and of other statutes of the United States therewith rriers by water ed protection of limited liability, and to the conditions contained in this bill of lading not inconsistent therewith or with this aectio: No such earrier by water shsll be any loss or iamage ene from any fire happening to or on board the vessel, plosion, bursting of boilers or erences of shafts, unless ca design or eee of auch carrie ae the owner shall have see due diligence in making the vessel in A rest respects seaworthy and properly jranhed,» ulpped, and such carrier shull be liable for any loss or damage resulting fromm the perila of the lakes, seas, or other waters, or froma] least efoots in hull, machinery, or appurtenances whether ores Bt to, at the time of, or after ea palibe 2 or pone ol — stranding, or other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation of the voyage. nd, when-for any rexson vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall be at liberty to cnt at any port or ports, in or Aer ot the pistons ary route, to tow and be towed, to transfer, trans-ship, or lighter, to load and ze gooda at any time, to sasist veesels in listress, to deviate for oo uirposa of saving life or property, and for docking and Bape Except in case of negli ce such carrier shall not be rn ed ~ any loss or damage to property ifit be necessary or ia veual tu carry the same upon {d) General Avera: valle ie. accuvding to the York-Antwerp Rules of 1924, Sectivas i to one dueiaiv aaa ‘Bections 17 to 22, inclusive, and: 4 nek imatiers not covered thereby according to the laws and ueaces of the P: ot Now York. Ifthe owners have exercised due dilizence to make the vessel in all respecta seaworthy and properly sained, “fanaa ‘and sup- plied, it ia hereby ag! that in case nger, damage or disaster Fesiiting from faulte or arrprs in mevieation, or in the manage- ment of the wenaele< or from any latent or other defects in the vessel, machinery or appae enances, or from unseaworthinese whether existing at the time of shipment or at the beginning of the -vo: vias Corey ided the intent or other defects or the unsea- worthiness was not discoverable by the exercise of due diliyence), the shippers, consicnees and-or owners of the cargo shall never~ theless pay ealvaze aad ee special charges incurred in respec! of the cargo, and shalt sontribute oe the shipowner in genera average to the payin of any sactifices, losses or aeneiee of & general average nature that may be made or incurred for the common benefit or tor naiees the adventure from an mon peril. he Pan % wh ich croridee that any carrier or carriers party thereto shall be liable for (2) If the property ia being carried under a tari loss from perite oft Reon: then aa to puch: outta or carriers the provisions of this section shall be ied in uccordance with the tariff provisions, which shall be recarded as incorporated into the conditions of this bill of lading f) The term Paige carriage ’’in this eection shall not be construed as including lighterage in or parce tivers, harbors, or lakea, when porters behalf of rail ier Dace 10. Any sitctation addition. oF srucire in thie bill of lading which shall be made without the special notation hereon of Ase hee ne oft the carrier Saiiee thie bill of leding, abail be without effect, and thia bill of lading aball be enforceable aeverdicg to 4 otiginal tenor, 5 : q