Re “9 ee LAWRENCE No. 4 R. AND S. M. DE MOLAY No. 4 ‘The York Rite of Free Masonry SECRETARY- RECORDER: on wn LANE. 2203 MASSACHUSETTS STREET; PHONE 1724 Lawrence, Kansas COMPANION: Dn el SIR KNIGHT: Your attention is respectfully called to the following OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DUES Your Chapter dues for the year ending December 31, —_ are Arrearages Your Council dues for the year ending December 31, 1959. _, are Arrearages Your Commandry dues to the end of the current Templar year are Arrearages Wi ea a ee The By-Laws of the Chapter, Council and Commandry require that dues shall be paid annually. A member when in arrears for two years dues is subject to suspension, unless the dues are paid or remitted, by showing sufficient cause for his delinquency. OSCAR J. LANE, Secretary and Recorder.