September 5, 1939 | . Director of P Education and Recreation, FOASAH , Varsity 11 Conchs ; HOME OFFICE BUILDING 50 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK THE GuAR NCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1860 UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Telephone Victor 1740 A. E. Myers, Manager 902-3-4 SHARP BUILDING KANSAS CITy, Mo. August 22, 1939 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Department of Physical Education & Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allens: I am pleased to enclose my Company's check for $1006.77, in payment of your maturing endowment No. 341015 on August 24th. According to our records, you have already sent the policy to the Home Office of our Company, and I am sending you this check a day ahead of time so that you may use it on the day of maturity of the contract. We appreciate the business you have given us and we have endeavored to handle it in a businesslike manner. Should you in the future have business that you can refer to us, we will be glad to give it the same conscientious attention. Yours very truly, AEM:MG antiger Encl. a oe STATEMENT -#” Le VLU MLS OD 821 MASSACHUSETTS STREET LAWRENCE, KANSAS / oe \ Dr. F.C. #lten, 801 Louisiana St., Cist, is \ ~ oe Z i ey KINDLY DETACH AND RETURN WITH CHECK. AMOUNT PAID $ DESCRIPTION CREDITS BALANCE Wiccan - LAWRENCE, KANSAS PREVIOUS'BALANCE DOZ GOLF BALIS 6.75 1 6,97 BKaveae Merate ¢ 2ace Tas ~ Bills payable on 10th ae following Purchase. Pay Last Amount OBER’S in this Column CPN AMEE LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 3, 1959 Mr. BF. €. Alien ° 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear For I want to thank you for your check taking care of your September ac- count. We really would like to do more business for you personally as well as your department. Please remember I have. always told you I would meet any price you would get-anywhere and I meen just that. Our connections are the best in the United States and most of the time we are ina position to supply you with merchandise that you simply can't buy anywhere else. If at any time you are interested in anything, please give us the opportuni- ty. I will appreciate your business. As you know, the more business I can get out of K. U. the more I ean do for the ath- letic department. Kindest regards, J am Very sincerely CBER'S By Oe. _ HBO: VE Ka Masonic Buridl- Association Lawrence=Kansas J. H,Robinson, Dice President David Pasgon,. Presidént F. C. Whipple, Treasurer Sept. 20, 1939 Brother: idle rH . Y S. A. WOOD, Secretary Pay $1 10 to Secretary at Peoples State Bahk. Payment is expected WITHIN TEN DAYS. fos = M. F. A. Producers Creamery Poultry: A Leading Industry CABOOL DAIRY. @ENTER — KANSAS CITY aa Sh Aaa: Bathing - Boating - Fishing THROUGH CABOOL ANNUALLY Dairy Vol. 3,376,680 Ibs. In Terms of Butter Scoring 90% No. 1 2,000,000 lbs. Powdered Skim Milk Egg Volume 1,873,000 Dozens Wool, 220,000 Ibs. Live Poultry 320,000 Ibs. (20 cars) 1500 Cars of Freight (All Kinds) Truck Freight Tonnage 9,700 Tons One of Consolidated School Buildings — Transportation Kindred Lines in Proportion Se aie : ol ane od xt Highway Transportation One of Eight Wholesale Oil Distributors Main Line of Frisco R. R. A. J. MCKINNEY hs ES sp are | ; : deestegwy bide L mua oh hp 02 oo thin op fee, Pron deft 2227 I Dek 2a%e /PIE- ip 2 Vreecut tore lb Bi ROH 0 vbr a Drei tice Leas Son 7 Lb SOUTHERN JURISDICTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA i ORIENT OF KANSAS VALLEY OF LAWRENCE A. E. HUDDLESTON, 32°, K. C.C.H. SPUCIaL MELTING SECRETARY-REGISTRAR MASONIC TEMPLE LAWRENCE, KANSAS For the pur pese of considering the ap- pointment of a field man and of fixing his Salary, a Special Meeting of Zerbal Lodge of Perfection is called for Wednesday, Oct. <, 1939 at 7:30 P.M. in the Masonic Temple. Your attendance is expected. Fraternally,. if EAN cha Br BAW 538 — MRBeKe* rOCH Vencratle Master Secretarv October 6, 1939. To Whom It May Concerns I hereby appoint Dre He Re Lindenberger et my proxy to vote in my stead and tn amy mmmer according to hig best judgnent at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Lewrence Country Club on October 6, 1939 Véry sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaclis October 7, 195% tay] ail helt fa ls With leve and best wishes to all of you, I em BES — At Hal fee BE Hes eh ay ie $ api i oh pcs af 3 “at 2 pal yl ah Re i ile 3 1. ghye? i sits il i iy ha ait “Be : Ayn Hit ifap au i y Rh i ity Ht iti wie hal fai Director of Physical nduention and Recreation, and Granddad « Wibbo, Sonny, and Joan. Affectionstely, Your Tad October 7, 1959¢ I em enclosing my check for $2.00 for one year’ subseription to The American Mercury. Dre Forrest C. Allen, Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach. THE AMERICAN MERCURY hw 570 LEXINGTON AVE. ILD) NEW YORK, N. Y. Dear Reader: Enclosed please find our office check for $1.00 made out to your order. It enables you to cash in on the most extraordinary offer we have ever made. As you know, the regular price of The Mercury is 25¢ a copy -- $3.00 a year. By using this check today you can get one full year --- 12 exciting issues of The American Mercury -- for only $2.00. This amazing offer is made only to former subscribers of The American Mercury, and it is not transferable. This offer expires in thirty days. * * # The American Mercury is more important to you today than ever before. In these precarious times, because the news directly affects your work, your family, your finances, it is vitally important to be well informed. The Mercury will bring you each month an unprejudiced, undistorted account of what is happening in the world. It will bring you a clear, brilliant word-picture of the news-behind-the- news; of the men, women, and events that will become tomorrow's headlines. Because it is fearless, because it is accurate, because it breaks through the smoke-screen of propaganda, it is read today by America's best informed people. * * * For thirty days only you can get this dynamic, stimulat- ing magazine at half the regular price. The enclosed office check already contains your name and address. Just return it today with $2.00, and your subscription will be entered at once for the next 12 issues of The Mercury. A postage-free return envelope is en- closed for your convenience. Cordially, - 4 Jf W. Ferman Business Manager jwf/ab enclosures 2 October 7, 193% The 570 Lexington Aves, New York City, M.Ye Dear Sirs: I em enclosing my check for $2.00 for one year’s subscription to The Forum. Will you kindly send the mgazine to my residence address «= Dre Forrest C. Alien, 801 Louisiana Street, Lewrence, Kansase Director of Piysical Riuostion and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache er | 905 East 44th Street Austin, Texas October 9, 1939 Dear Uncle Phog, Although I have neglected you shamefully as to letter- writing, nevertheless, neither your kindness last fall nor that of your family has been long out of my mind. And I realize that you're very busy now, so will get to the point of this letter quickly. Dick is taking his dogs to the national coursing meet in a couple of weeks, which meets in Abilene, Kansas. He plans to drive there from here, get things settled there and drive me on to Kansas City. We will have very little time on our way to Kansas City, as Dick will be in a hurry, and I know you will be busy too, but perhaps if it is con- venient, we will be able to say "hello". I plan to visit Aunt Naoma and Della in Kansas City, of course, but Ricky will be with me and I thought perhaps one afternoon we could drive out and see my uncles and aunts and cousins in Independence, if you think it advisable. I realize I'm being very frank, but I really would like to know, Uncle Phog, if they would like to see me as I would like to see them--and have them see Ricky. It's been such a long time, and of course I've never corresponded with any of them. I don't even know an address, other than Independence, nor, to tell you the truth, all of their names. As far as I am concerned, it is positively shameful not to know your own family any better than that, but I do not want to barge in on them unless you feel that they would be glad to see us. We are planning to leave Austin Friday, October 20, which is less than two weeks. We will probably be driving through Lawrence Saturday, the 2lst, and if you are there, and not busy, we will try to stop and have a cup of coffee for a minute, with you. I am going to send this letter airmail, so that you will get it in time to send an answer. I'm writing you because I know you will tell me the truth--and also because I would like very much to be able to see you again, if only to say hello. Give Aunt Bess and Robert our best regards, and hoping to see you in a couple of weeks, Wn Kickackehiofheg October 135, 1959s Professor F. Ae Russell, School of Engineeringe Dear Professor Russell: i aclnowledge with thanks your check for $3_00 to cover my car expenses on the occasion of our trip to Topelm several months agoe Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Pduee tion and Recreation, Varsity 5asketball Coach. . UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE ©Oxet 12-349 dud arid altael Seok cor = ae po! dong bo amb, @ SH fol Mik. Maks Lo Ate g fo PY sa Jel2ur 4 Netober 16, LISI.» Coach Artie "Dutch" Lonborgy — ‘Northwestern University, Evanston, Tllinoise My dear Duteh: sip sda teabites: Wake isis tiles tes Be Sud dton),, ie etude icp fetes CMGOE AND Naka hea tecooaned and two guests. for the lorthwestern-ifisconsin game Saturday —— , Of course, I gould have written Tug” bik G2 Sen enaile Bs Wias ve, dc Wan 00 Os Yee I am wondering if you will bo kind encuch to see thet four tickets ore loft at the Athletic Office in Le Pe Memnilton's nané. Plesse send the bill te me and I will renit with 6 choot: at once. + betitanie hits tik le ee eee: te ae / Wednosday of thin week for scum convertion and expect to take in the game, so if you will take care of this at your early convenience I will appreciate it very muche i was sorry to see lym have such tough luck this seasone I lmow how that goes beonuse when things sae- times look rosy and especially when newspaper men build you up to dizzy heights, then the unexpected always hanvent. eee uphumn for better fortunes With all good wishes to you and Mra. Lonborg, i em Sincerely yours, cae Dirostor of Physical Hdueation and Recreation, FCAsAH | Vareity Sastevtial? Conthe (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] DE 2ueEeoT C. ALLEN KANSAS UNIVERSITY CITY : — a ~ Be Malay Conmmandery No. 4 Bel Knights Templar Lawrence, Kansas (Vian Dear Frater: The next Stated Conclave of our Commandery will be held next Tuesday evening, Sep- tember 5, 1939, in our Asylum at 7:30 o’clock, for the censideration of such matters as pertain to the welfare of Templar Masonry in general and De Molay Commandery in particular. This being our first Conclave since our summer vacation, we shall be delighted to have - all Sir Knights meet with us. Many matters of great importance will be presented. Your coun- cil will be timely and good. We are to preparg for inspection and for the work we have to do and that we anticipate having. Your partigipation in our activities will add to your interest in our work. Wont you come? Courteously, C. FRANK ILIFF, Attest: Commander. OSCAR J. LANE, Recorder. aD October 16, 1939» Dear Marys It was a great pleasure to hear your voice over the phone this morninge I em glad that you and Pete and Bondy and Mrse Bondy are going to get avmy for a nice trip to Chicagoe I know you will enjoy it, and it is an added treat for me to be able to buy these tickets for you ee 1 tmew that you caret Wiitkied 1¢ with the fanily that you have and in this way it will be a courtesy that you and Pete cen extend to the Dondyse I enjoyed their hospitality and their cormany so much when I was down there, so please do not feel that you are imposing at all. You now I just wrote you about how thoroughly I enjoyed my golf jacket, and I felt that you two spent too much on this when you needed your Mrances at more advantageous placese he Sa acl ak Lk Sp 6 Md wate bar ae Oe thise With love to all, em Affectionately, Your Dad Mrse Le Pe Hanilton, Anchorage, Kentucky October 18, 19359 Dear Uncle Phog, Thanks so much for your letter which I received Saturday night. We are in the midst of last- minute preparations, and short of disaster striking, we should be on our way Friday morning. As much as we appreciate your invitation to lunch, I'm afraid we simply couldn't promise to make it, for you see we don't know definitely when we'll be able to leave here (we may leave early morning, and it may be almost noon) and we just have no way of telling when we'll be through Lawrence. As far as we know now, it will be sometime during the late morning, Saturday. However, don't count on us and we will only be able to stop and meet your family and chat for a minute and be on our way. I do want to meet all of them if I can, but the time is so short that we must wait until sometime in the future to know them well. There is still a great deal to do, so I must make this short. I want to thank you again for the letter and the invitation to lunch. It seems incredible that I'll see you before the week is out. If I can I'll drop a card en route to give you an idea when we'll be through, but if there is something you must do, I want you to know we'll understand, and that we'll see you some other time. Ricky is getting most terribly excited, and says "Bye, bye" every few minutes. We expect him to stand the trip better than the rest of us. Again, regards to Aunt Bess and your family, i f | Ee Mrs. Richard Schieffer 905 East 44th Street Austin, Texas wa See ik en dee as ae aie ak eae ea ae a a se 0 Scene Vee ; Eni cuneate th ho ay : iad ee 1 ity te fesse gigel ‘ abe aL aa | piesls Pee Hi al i | ts i ie i i ths 38 Ostober 24, 1959 Order Departnent, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Cony 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missouris Dear Sirs: ee eee eee ae he ae order to Myrse 1Glten Allen, MLiimwod, Mansas, end vil te f . Es a I shall send you my check upon receipt of your stetemente . Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ——— October 25, 19396 Myre Ge G, Boling, Abdalleh Rene®it Fund, Deaz Mre Boling: I en enclosing the remittance card which ves recently sent me, and wish to advise you thet I desire to denit in payment of dues at this tinge I find thet the pressure of duties here w % the University make it impossible for me to attend eny of the meetings. Ver, sincerely yours, Section 10. Upon the death of a member of the fund, it shall he_ the duty of the SECRETARY-TREASURER to make a new call, not exceeding $ 1.10 for each call so that at ail times there will be a sufficient amount on hand to meet death calls. : Section 11. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to dro from the rolls of membership all those who have not paid the call within the time specified.