er | 905 East 44th Street Austin, Texas October 9, 1939 Dear Uncle Phog, Although I have neglected you shamefully as to letter- writing, nevertheless, neither your kindness last fall nor that of your family has been long out of my mind. And I realize that you're very busy now, so will get to the point of this letter quickly. Dick is taking his dogs to the national coursing meet in a couple of weeks, which meets in Abilene, Kansas. He plans to drive there from here, get things settled there and drive me on to Kansas City. We will have very little time on our way to Kansas City, as Dick will be in a hurry, and I know you will be busy too, but perhaps if it is con- venient, we will be able to say "hello". I plan to visit Aunt Naoma and Della in Kansas City, of course, but Ricky will be with me and I thought perhaps one afternoon we could drive out and see my uncles and aunts and cousins in Independence, if you think it advisable. I realize I'm being very frank, but I really would like to know, Uncle Phog, if they would like to see me as I would like to see them--and have them see Ricky. It's been such a long time, and of course I've never corresponded with any of them. I don't even know an address, other than Independence, nor, to tell you the truth, all of their names. As far as I am concerned, it is positively shameful not to know your own family any better than that, but I do not want to barge in on them unless you feel that they would be glad to see us. We are planning to leave Austin Friday, October 20, which is less than two weeks. We will probably be driving through Lawrence Saturday, the 2lst, and if you are there, and not busy, we will try to stop and have a cup of coffee for a minute, with you. I am going to send this letter airmail, so that you will get it in time to send an answer. I'm writing you because I know you will tell me the truth--and also because I would like very much to be able to see you again, if only to say hello. Give Aunt Bess and Robert our best regards, and hoping to see you in a couple of weeks, Wn Kickackehiofheg