Netober 16, LISI.» Coach Artie "Dutch" Lonborgy — ‘Northwestern University, Evanston, Tllinoise My dear Duteh: sip sda teabites: Wake isis tiles tes Be Sud dton),, ie etude icp fetes CMGOE AND Naka hea tecooaned and two guests. for the lorthwestern-ifisconsin game Saturday —— , Of course, I gould have written Tug” bik G2 Sen enaile Bs Wias ve, dc Wan 00 Os Yee I am wondering if you will bo kind encuch to see thet four tickets ore loft at the Athletic Office in Le Pe Memnilton's nané. Plesse send the bill te me and I will renit with 6 choot: at once. + betitanie hits tik le ee eee: te ae / Wednosday of thin week for scum convertion and expect to take in the game, so if you will take care of this at your early convenience I will appreciate it very muche i was sorry to see lym have such tough luck this seasone I lmow how that goes beonuse when things sae- times look rosy and especially when newspaper men build you up to dizzy heights, then the unexpected always hanvent. eee uphumn for better fortunes With all good wishes to you and Mra. Lonborg, i em Sincerely yours, cae Dirostor of Physical Hdueation and Recreation, FCAsAH | Vareity Sastevtial? Conthe