ANCTEST AND ACCEPTED eo | SCOTTISH RITE He yN OF FREEMASONRY SOUTHERN JURISDICTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ORIENT OF KANSAS VALLEY OF LAWRENCE A. E. HUDDLESTON..32°. K. C.C. H. SECRETARY-REGISTRAR MASONIC TEMPLE =a LAWRENCE, KANSAS My Dear Brother: Lord Nelson, upon the eve of the Battle of Trafalgar, broadcast to the members of the English Navy, "England expects every man to do his duty." Lawrence Consistory makes this same appeal to you now, Beginning Tuesday morning at 10:00 ofelock, we expect to have the outstanding Reunion of our history. Consistories from Joplin, Sts« Joseph, Kansas City, Wichita, Fort Scott, Leavenworth and Topeka are sending their best to exemplify degrees, some of which we do not confer here, and you probably have never seen them conferred, This puts each one of us right "on the spot." For the honor of our beloved Consistory, and for the reputation of historic Lawrence as a fit Consistory town, we must demonstrate and deliver. If Masonry means any one outstanding thing, it is FRATERNITY. We want you to be at each and every meeting; introduce yourselves to each one of the visitors; give our own brothers the hand of fellowship and let the keynote of our Reunion be "Cordiality and Goodfellowship." ; If you have no part in the degrees, your presence will cheer and inspire the workers and impress our visitors. If you are a worker--have your part well memorized and be on time for your work. I should like to speak to you and give you this message, but it is, of course, impossible. I want you to take this as a personal appeal, on behalf of our Order. Come to every meeting that you possibly can and stay as long as you can, It will pay you personally, it will boost our Consistory, and it will extend the reputation of Lawrence as a town with a cordial welcome and where friendship and brotherliness are the outstanding characteristics. Sincerely and fratermally yours, FRANK Ms HOLLIDAY, Asst. Director of Work.