GRAND AVENUE MAIN AND 27% STS KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI December 9, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: We trust that you found your car quite satisfactory when you received it back after having been in our service station. In our work we have made no charge with the exception of over-hauling the carburetor which we found to be very badly corroded requiring the installation of $6.10 worth of new parts which we are sure that you will agree was not due to any fault of the car's. | Best personal regards. Yours very truly, CJR: HB Enel. SIMONS-WILES COMPANY aoeeee BUICK SALES AND SERVICE MAIN AND GRAND AT 27th ST. Phone GRand 1480 Kansas City, Missouri zi Posted Name Forrest C. Allen Mileage 9404 Date 12/2 1938 Numbers: Address Ki Us Lawrence, Kan. Model 58-51 Frame : Extension - oO. K. Phone: Bus. Res. Type Sedan Engine Folio License Salesman CJR Style Del. Date Promised 5PM, To Del. Body Acai - | NS. OPERATION Amount No. OPERATION AMT. FWD. 2 95 a : ee oT = ie. Remove distributor and instal! 4i J [_] Shock Absorbers__ Speedometer Cable [_| oe ee No Phe. 48 A | WINDSHIELD WIPER_________ | a6 & |FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS _ _ _ _____ __ 39 N | [_] Transmission____DRAIN____Differential [_] 42 a | WS at POLISH ft 43 © one 44 Se i t, 45 A | Straighten & Touch-up. __. —_ __ ___ Fender 46 . Pr) Seal. o OTOP et Dress [_| 48 N (REFINISH fo _HOOD PANEL 70 > (Sar cues 47 CLEAN UPHOLSTERING = 49 TENE MotoR fk 49 g ADJUST VALVE LASH = = = 53 NTGRIND VALVES; kt 49 G|CLEAN POINTS AND SET TIMING__ _ — 58 __|' |REPLACE SPARK PLUG WIRES_ ______ 50 Le ISASSEMBLE AND CLEAN CARBURETOR_|__@| 95 52 1 |] Replace ___SPARK PLUGS__ Clean xf NO HG . | 54 INTERNAL MOTOR INSPECTION __ 56 E 55 é a ee Inflate Tires_______.___Lbs. Pressure 55 . |CLEAN BATTERY TERMINALS _ Mile Inspection 60 C |FLUSH RADIATOR ______ Inspector's || Total = © | [1] Repack ___WATER PUMP__ _Overhaui [_] CREDIT 6 T.-|-REPE AGE one HOSE OUNT AMOUNT 59 G |] Tighten____FAN BELT_____Replace [] TERMS — CASH Sone emia 9196 61 = ORC ees ae INVOICE Labor Inter. H 62 A | (] Adjust ___ _BRAKES____ Equalize Cj Sublet Repairs 62 Be | (LUBRICA Ti: CABLES 2) oso oe Estimates are for labor only - material Pts. Rep. Ord. 2/10 6&3 SROs Ge additional. = Ee BALANCE WHEELS ________— This Company assumes no responsibil- Pts. Internal 715 20 64 R | (_] Align_____ _WHEELS______Check [_] ity for loss or damage by theft, fire, acci- || Access. Count. ~ € | (J Inspect _____ CLUTCH ____ _ Adjust CI dent or collision to vehicles placed with || Access. Intern. 69 See AXLES [_] Straighten ssa foe atareind, aan ov vagal. Gas Oil-Grease 66 T | (] Body _____BOLTS__ __ __Fender[_| fete TAX 12 66 7 FOOGR Bose s.. oo TOTAL 9/17 &6 ER ed eee ey omer creemes _DOOR 67 n [| Tighten Bumpers____ Remove & Replace Ss Authorized by Total} 3135 Printed by The Stendard Register Co., Daytor Ohio, U. 8. A- SUMMARY OF. SALES... AND. COST MATERIALS PRICE FACH || CHARGE CHARGE CUSTOMER DESCRIPTION Amount REPAIR PARTS Dist spr s ; 20 || Nolc 3Set Carb parts” " 40 40 Bowel gasket TOTAL REPAIR PARTS ACCESSORIES TOTAL ACCESSORIES GAS, OIL, GREASE TOTAL GAS, OIL GREASE | SUB-LET REPAIRS TOTAL SUB-LET REPAIRS COPY M. Fe. HUDSON COMPANY Lawrence, Kansas November 7th, 1938. Dr. Fe Ce Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: Since I have been unable to contect you persomally I'm using this method to give you the analysis of the work performed on your car snd severel items that in our opinion need attention at the present time. Recently, at mileage 7984 we installed new spark plugs, tuned the motor, cleaned carburetor and adjusted the valve tappets. In addition to this we adjusted the brakes and several other minor repairse The old spark plugs were placed in a sack in the rear com~ partment of your car for your inspection. After checking your car today at mileage 8935, we find that the motor still has the detonation knock which we advised might leave by using ethyl gas, since this trouble still exists and to get the best performance out of your car, it is our opinion that the carbon should be removed and possibly a valve grinding jobe If the motor does not have much carbon it is possible that the ex- haust valves may be stickinge It is evident to us that the use of ethyl gasoline will not renove your trouble. We take this opportunity of thanking you for this business end hoping that we may be of further service to you in the future, we are Yours very truly, M. F. HUDSON COMPANY (Signed) L. J. REBER Service Menagere Br 3 3 = 3 a i 4 * M. F. HUDSON COMPANY Oldsmobile-Cadillac-LaSalle Sales and Service 800 NEW HAMPSHIRE STREET PHONE 825 LAWRENCE, KANSAS OLDSMOBILE SIX AND — | November 7th 1938, Dr.F.¢,Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas, _—-: Dear Doctor; | Since I have been unable to contact | you personally I'm using this method to give you the analysis of the work preformed on your car and several items that in our opinion need attention at the present time, Recently, at milage 7984 we installed new spark plugs,-tuned the motor,—-cleaned carburetor and adjusted the valve tappets, In addition to this we adjusted the brakes and several other minor repairs. The old spark plugs were placed in a sack in the rear - compartment of your car for your inspection, | After checking your car today at milage | 8933,-we find that the motor still has the detonation knock which we advised might leave by using ethyl gas, since this trouble still exists and to get the best preformance out of your ear, it is our opinion that the carbon should be removed and possibly ® valve grinding job. If the motor does not have much carbon it is possible that the exhaust valves may be sticking. It is evident to us that the use of ethyl gasoline will not remove your trouble. : We take this opportunity of thanking you for this business and hoping that we may be of further service to you in the future, we are Yours very truly, M.F.HUDSON COMPANY, LJR/H Service Manager Bs 2 oS op uo Ee +S OF aoen #8 A 4. “Me TT Oe oS : : -— ae He. ia g pis deg age Lal 7 thi fd alee tal | fay Hie Hlntay tg ; ui He ti woe iy Me i i eon it i, me ay t alt ju te, uit nif bi Hi Hg dab lea Te ir it HE ish ail i Haye | ENED reall ‘il Hy ne el i Hiss i ili. alts ARH ba i fateys, ite ts it te dip l 1; £3) uae gag its HB Gh n ay i | ute L Pe 1 ¢ 8 al ity # ! Ho i i a me tid yal i Le ne | $ Hy ile i fi i | + me pete ut qu : i aby i fi tt fal 4. @ Fh ot 4 a Bs ~— 3 i iii lit | i 3 va Be aoe an en ne eg AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALIZED SERVICE INCORPORATED 2722 CHERRY ST. PHONE VICTOR 8030 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI ‘November 14th. ,1938. Dear "Phog"- Your letter came this morning -— called Buick and a new door will cost $35.00 without any of. the hardware or trim and of course it will have to painted, however, when we see the car we can tell you if we can straighten it satis- factor We may not be able to get the door at the factory as they ‘did not make very many of those body models. I ates will heve the Buick check and call me back before I finish | this letter. Regarding tires - think we can save you more mohey on your tires by buying them wholesale for you than we can do on an adjustment. If you will let me know at once what brand you prefer I will get you a quotation on new white side walls, and you ean have them at our exact cost.*WVe can get some- thing out of your old ones but they are so damned large we have a very few cars that use that size @-50 X 16. Just 3 called the geiberling. people and I can:get them for you at - $22.57 net cash with the final 2% off. That is the white ska side wall guaranteed for tWelve months against all road hazards. They. sell for. $32.05. at the price we are getting on the tires we will have to lay the cagh on the barrel = = head and have the nigger mount them for you, but we willbe. glad to do it for you. I will check with Firestone and you can then give me your preference. Either one of those are~ as good as you can buy. | Fae See Do not think ‘there is any question but what she car has been driven more than it shows on the. speedqneter, but— that will be‘ prove. Tire wear on all four tires generally tells the tale. If one or tww of them would show undue wear especially on. the. front wheels it could be improper alignment, but when all four of them wear mnOS sh. it generally. ae the miteage, =. ; 3 3 Did not finish this last night. as I did not Lica from Buick or Firestone. ~Firestone called me this morning and I can get you the best white sidewall.from them for $22.38. Will-check with the Vogue also - that is the* tire all of the undertakers use on- their ambulances and hearses, and they are exceptionally goed. Cannot reach the Buick factory warehouse in regard to the door until after nine o'clock. I came in from the farm Saturday night, and Hub had gone — to St.Louis to see his new grandson - Hubert Junior the thir er pRoR em a ame ip ee "3 ; HUBERT L. ALLEN, pres. : ELMER M. ALLEN AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALIZED SERVICE INCORPORATED 2722 CHERRY ST. PHONE VICTOR 8030 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Berta and the baby are getting along fine, and Hubert the first is strutting around like a turkey gobbler. The baby weighed 8¢ ponds, and is fine. My old arm is getting along pretty good, but it isn't perfect by any means, but at that I might outpitch Dizzy Dean. What have you been doing to your knee- when you reach our age you can't cut capers like you did when you were a kid. ; We have ha@ a rush of business this morning and I'll try and complete this and get it in the mail. Had a call from Buick and they have the door in stock, so if that one can- not be fixed we can get you a new one. Hope I will have a chance tosee you within a short time - I spend about two thirds of my time at the farm. Your loving brother, ; t : 8 i i au i ety i all ee } = 3 i i itt | } 7: Ha ye sg Ey he Bs i igs, t gitphee fhe. HH 7 i’ i i ur aH i GD Wa SIMORNS-WILES COMPARY, Inc. GRAND AVE. MAIN AND 27TH STS. KANSAS CITY, MO. September 9, 1958 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Acknowledging your letter of September 7, if your tires do not give you the proper service we will be glad to secure an adjustment for you at any time and in regard to resetting the speedometer you can rest assured that this has not been done as the only time we ever change any speedometers is on used cars which are reset to zero which could not possibly be construed as misrepresentation. At the time you purchased the car Mr. Martin told you that the car had been driven by Mrs. Simons instead of Mrs. Wiles and the car has never had any hard useage at any time, having only been driven around Kansas City. In regard to the knock in the motor when using Ethyl gasoline persists, we can easily overcome this by installing new style governor weight springs in the distributor which we have done in several cases with satisfactory results and is a factory-recommended procedure. The first time you are in Kansas City we will be glad to take care of both of these matters which we trust can be | done to your entire satisfaction. Yours very truly, SIMONS-WILES’ COMPANY, INC. eS CJR: VA WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM a aH atl ial i if! if Ba Bi i ay HL ilu ial st ; 1 iat laie Ht bi nae i September 7, 1938, this yp tong Coache have cars on the Director of Varsity i asst ii i ‘iis “i intel rif 138 ie ite itis 7a i f i Hall : ; September 7, 1938» Mr. Tom Martin, Simons=liles Motor Coe, 2701 Main Ste, Kansas City, Moe Dear Mre Martins — I em enclosing carbon copy of a letter I have just written to Mre Rehm, which I believe is self-explanatory. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coache SIMONS-WILES COMPANY, Ine. KANSAS CITY, MO. - FOR 1938 Buy STN TET TTT LT A NN TTT August 23, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansa Lawrence, Kansas a we Dear Mr, Alle t Acknowledging receipt of your letter in regard o the failure of one of your tires we would be. very glad to secure the necessary adjustment upon eceipt of the tire, Yours very truly, SIMONS-WILES Ce. fd. Rehn secretary CJR:VA WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM copy or at will be Director of Physical Education, _. Varsity Basketball Coach end an in jo that Thursday Very August 9, 1938, Very sincerely yours, Tirestor of 1 om thewity Maslavtlell Conse ec tc Mts Tom tartine August 50, 1938, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, ; Varsity Basketball Coach. SIMONS-WILES COMPANY, Ine. GRAND AVE. MAIN AND 27TH STS. KANSAS CITY, MO. FOR 1938 otter DY BUICK ae a aaa enna nena ane neve nnn nnn ES SENSO SSN On nn [= earn a eeenenannneneEEEnEEEneeae aan ise =n gu Sn EEE eeeeeeeeeeenenneeneenEaeeeaUEaneUEURDUURREURDSRE EN AEESETIEIESSRSSSESSSS neo) Deen eee eee eee ee eee eee eee ee eee eeeeEeEeeeEeEeEeEeEEEee—e August 26, 1938 » Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: You probably have by this time received the new U. S. Royal tube to replace the defective tube which you mailed in to us and which we trust you will find in order, Yours very truly, Secretary CJR:VA \ WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM SIMONS-WILES COMPANY, Inc. GRAND AVE. MAIN AND 27TH STS. KANSAS CITY, MO. - FOR 1938 etter BUY ae BUICK August 2, Mr.Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Thank you very much for your letter of July 50. We ia i » ‘ A | } eae te ae r are very glad that you are so well pleased with your Buick. This is to assure you that any items of service needed will be gladly performed when you can let us have your car, Yours very truiy, secretary WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Novenber 10, 19396 ated i 5 aie vl ps | 5 8 ih a iD ie ud : i Ht Li ca 3 Hl if aaely ie tin eid uijel 3 aa ai i fi Tt ae ii i Hie bal] i ve dom there wd tah it i is Hilal a afl tiie biter id iia | i ie mal ed 5 uF 3 Hike i With all good wishes, I am Affectionately, Your brother, Director of Physical Education and Recreati Varsity Basketball Coach. on, FCAsAH - Urbana, Missouri. Route #1, Ssept., Lotni,1959. Rear Phog - Received your letter of August 12th and better late than never will answer it this morning. Have had lots of company thids last month, and it has been so damned hot and dry havn't had energy enough to whip a cat. Claude Nichols was here Augugt 23rd and said that he had mailed you a bottle of "Sporodyne". Think you got the wrong im- pression in regard to my letter. Did not want you to give it to the trainer but wanted you to keep it for personal use, or if you had an exceptionally tough case to try it out, and I am sure it will open your eyes. I asked Claude to mail you a bottle and one to Dr. Hub - Little Hub turned his over to a skin specialist in St. Louis, and is very much interested. Even Big Hub is sitting up and taking notice as he got some for North Mehornay for some kind of a skin infection and it is getting the job done. I have gotten three bottles for three of my friends in this section, and it made real converts out of them. I am not the least bit interested in the sale of it, only I am a good friend of Claude Nichols at Versailles who has the distribution of it in this section of Missouri. Murray Nichols, who was our ex-partner in the Automotive business is in Dayton, Ohio looking after the sales of it for his brother Harry Nichols. Murray was in Kansas City last Saturday and was telling Hub his troubles in getting it in the big chain drug stores, but says he thinks they are over the hump now as the two last months have put them in the black. Dr. Scholls have offered them fifteen thousand for it, but they claim if they sell they want a royalty also. Lets forget all about the damned stuff as I am not trying to sell you anything, but thought I was putting you hep to something that would be a benefit to you, and really think it will be. Know there are scads and scads of remedies on the market, but the old world does advance and sometimes someone finds something that is head and shoulders above the rest of them. Over night Hub had a chance to dispose of the business and he let it go - He was dumping every cent he could get hold of in business and each year we went further and further in the hole, and it is a cinch we didn't get anything out of it. I did not average thirty five dollars per month out of it, and Hub a very little more. Dr Needled poured cash into it, and was carrying the load, and finally said to turn it loose. It was practically given away as Hub sold it for $1,000 to Ted Kuhn, and he was able to clean up all of the back rent and outstand- ing wholesale accountsand quit with a clean slate. Told Hub I had gotten a letter from you and he said that he would pay you for those tires you traded in when he saw you. Think he was out in Lawrence when you were down South. Am sure he used two of the tires on his car - I did not hear from you, and I didn't touch them. He is trying to collect some of the old accounts but when I saw him last week he was having very little luck. As you remkember I told you I was fixing up this farm with the intention of operating it on the shares, and have been down here most of the time for the past year. I would go in and Help Hub on the first of the month, and then back as quickly as possible. Have it pretty well stocked and am getting started. Getting it all in Lespedeza, and it will be a stock farm on a small scale. : 2 FREES FST TIE aT” SLOP Pg 7S SE At the present time Hub is still in Xansas City, and think he will spend most of his time there. He has the distribution of an arti- ele that I think should sell - that is an illmminaééd house number and it can be installed for less than five dollars. It is hooked in with the door bell circuit and burn continously - it uses a very small bulb and costs very little to operate. The builders, contractors and light companies seem to think well of it. Marshall Field's at Chicago are really going to town with it. If he will get out and hustle should be able to put it over in a nice way. I have scads of quail down here and some time after November 16th would like nothing better than have you get in touch with Hub and drive — down and have a day or so shooting - will feed you well, and it won't eost you more than a barrel of liquor. Will feed you some good country grub, nice Ozark air, and some excellent shooting, and will make you a good Tom Collins. I am dated up for more shooting parties than I can possibly take care of, but lots of those babies are going to be out of luck. Get in touch with Hub and let me know what you think about it - The farm is just 60 miles south of Sedalia on #65, or 60 miles nobbh of Springfield and you can make it in three hours easily. I can also cook the quail so you will enjoy eating them. You would not have to wait for the week end, as I know darned well you could get away for that length of time and so could Hub. One of the boys at Elliot said he was going to get in touch with you and come down, but am afraid some of those dudes will not have a chance. I have better than 400 acres that I can hunt on in a solid block. Have a four month 014 pointer pup that should be about right to start working when the season opens on November 10th. Consider it Phog as I sure would like to have you, and we could sit around the old stove in the evening and have a little reunion. Guess I have told you all of the news, and imagine that you we see Hub shortly as he will be going to Lawrence in the interest of his "Sentinel" as it is called. Your loving brother, Novenber 14, 1959. seats you ean mail the other tickets back and he will send you the box seats. . I will be glad to see you when it is convenient for you when you ere on your my into the territory. I assure you thet it is no trouble to get these tickets, and we are doing the best we can wider the con= ditionse With all good wishes, I an Affectionately, your brother, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALIZED SERVICE INCORPORATED 2722 CHERRY ST. PHONE VICTOR 8030 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 1/1 te Decembe: 235 19396 Dear Bob, Jane and Joeme: A EF i Fel § i E 5 i att & 2. sending you same tickets so that you can go to the movies to see Santa Claus, the reindeor, and the Christmas trees, and all the little fumy folks who make good children laughs With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I am Sincerely yours, Mirector of Physical Education and Hocreation, Varsity Paskethall Coache Bob, Jane and Joame Elbel, 1713 Mississippi Street, Lawrence, Xansase December 235 ‘19596 Dear “It"s Since you have eaten your potatoes and spinach end beans, and you drink your milk and go to bed when your mother tells you to, Santa Claus wants you to lmow thet ho rewerds good little boys who obey their parents and who grow strong to become big meme lle is sending you some tickets so that you can go to the movies. I Imow that you like to see the movies, Santa Claus, the reindeer, and the Christuas trees, and a1] the little fumy folks who make good children laughs Yith best wishes for a Merry Christms and a Happy _ New Year, I am | Sincerely yours, . lirector of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache December 23, 19596 ‘sending you some tickets so that you like to see ea ae aes we Gn es avn ec ie i teams of the combry playing, and I also know that you like to see the fumies and a good show oceasionallys TSi'th best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I am , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coachs Gwinn Henry, III, 1646 Massachusetts Ste, yo | KM foviee’ Masonic Burial/ Association Lawrence, Kansas J. H. Robinson, Dice President i ; < S F. C. Whipple, Treasurer May 14, 1940 \ \ 9, 1940. By order of the President Fratérnally, S. A. WOOD, Secretary Pay S l oy i to Secretary, t Peoples State Bank. Payment is expected WITHIN TEN DAYS.