April 15, 1940. _ lire Art Wood, ' Peoples State Sank, Lawrence, “ansase Near lite Woods It's Spring againg Spring has sprumg, and with it | springs a note of thanks fron me to you.e I went you te know how deeply appreciative and innately happy your splendid con tribution made mo. liad I been consulted oh this surprise token of esteen and friendship I would have chosen the golf equipmerrt five times over any other mnifesiation of good wille Bvery divot I dig, every slice or every hook that I ee ee ee ee ee ee given me out of the gooduess of your hearts This gift fron my many friends has expressed the good will and friendship of Lawrence to me in e way that I have never before experienceds 9 Very sincerely Ours, Director of Physical tdueation and Reerestion, PCA 241 Varsity Basketball Coathe