HEALTH AND-NUTRITION~--WILZY TE ROO! Presiding, Mrs. Wm. Fay, Manhatta Invocation. _ . Music--Mrs. J. A. Hildyara, Mother Singers Director, Hutchinson. Specker--"Nutrit ion Tn Relation to the Present Crisis.--Mrs. H. L. Ibsen, Manhattan. Chairman. TOURTH GENERAL S2SSION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Senior High School Presiding, Mrs. W. R.- Toder, First Vice President and Mrs. &. W. Emery, State President. Platform Guests--District Directors. 2:00 p.m. Solo--Bernard Regier, Music Instructor, Junior College. Invocetion--Rev. C. D. Leiper. United Presbyterian Church. BUSINESS SESSION Reports OP ATR PRESIDENT--Mrs. E. W. Emery Report read and on motion was accepted and filed. NATIONAL PARENT TEACHER-