GS:15 Pelle Invocation--Rev. Theo. EHinerson, Immanual Lutheran Church Introduction of Dr. Sutton by W. M. Richards Address--"Developing Our Human Resources." Dr. Willis A. Sutton, Superintendent of Schools, Atlanta, Georgia. PRIDAY MORNING 8:30 to 9:45 asMe PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS : RURAL SCHOOLS--Mrs. A. E. Hastings, Leader. High School Auditorium. Outlining and Forming Prograns."--Mrs. C. B. Sherwood. "Choosing and Promoting Projects."--Mrs. A. i. Hastings. : "Safety"--Dr. Irma Gene Nevins, State Safety Chairman. GRADE SCHOOLS AND PRE-SCHOOLS--Mrs. LeRoy Arnold, Leader. High School Auditorium. 1. "Does vour program meet the needs of your comunity? Harry M. Dawdy, Vocational Education Departrient, Topeka. 2, "What needs of the community definitely belong to the parent-teacher progran?” R. C. Woodard. 3. Myhat are you doing about pre-school?" HIGH SCHOCLS--"7. MI. Richards, Supt. of Schools, mmporia, Leader. 1. ‘What values may be exnected to accrue from a high-school parent-teacher association?” 2. ‘Wheat are the most difficult problems of maintaining a high-school parent-teacher association.” 3. "How may these problems be met?" Lh. What are some of the outstanding achieve- ments of high-school units during the last year?" : COUNTY COUNCILS--Mirs. James Siler, First District Director, Leader. Baptist Church. ; 1. "Councils'--Mrs. James Siler, First District Director. ; 2. *Prograns and Projects for County Councils,’ Mrs. Walter Giffen, Wyandotte County Council President. 3. "Study Groups and Radio Programs Sponsored by County Councils."--Mrs. J. W. Frisbie, Johnson County Council President. ' 4h. "Safety. *--Dr. Irma Gene Nevins, Safety Chairna: CITY COUNCILS--Mrs. Reece Bowen, Leader. Baptist Church. The Responsibility of the Council for: 1. "A School of Instruction."--lirs. L. HE. Yulich, Kansas City.