wStudy Groups."-+-Mrs. Arthur Leach, Arkansas City is "Founder's Day. te-Mrs, L. L. Fuller, Emporia “The Summer Round-Up."--Mrs. Rex Garris, Arkansas City. . nProgran.*--lirs. H. D. Fugate, Wichita tMembershinv."--Mrs. Arthur Gilette, Parsons *Publications."--Mirs, Fred Adams, Hutchins 30n ‘Publicity."--Mrs. K. R. Jensen, Coffeyville. a e OOnmTOMA SW SIXTH GENERAL SESSION Friday Morning, Senior High School Presiding, Mrs. HE. W. Emery, State Pres. Platform Guests-State Chairmen 10:00 a.m. ’ Music--Liberty Junior High Mixed Chorus, Director, Miss Dorothy Dale.’ Devotional--Mrs. C. 0. Mammel, Hutchinson BUSINESS SESSICN REPORTS Hlection Teller---Supt. J. W. Gowans, Chairman "The following is the report after count ing the baliots tor the election of officers elected Thursday, April 16, 1942.' Third VicePresident------~----=-------- W. M. Richards 183 Fifth Vice President----------- ---Mrs. C. B. Sherwood 182 Seventh Vice President--~--~-------- Mrs. LeRoy Arnold . 181 Trea sur ef ~ ---- e -- e e e e e e eee We T. Markham 183 Defective Ballots Se ees e+ oe ee ene a Signed----J. W. diana, Chairman Mrs, C. Fred Griffith Vrs. Arthur Leach ° H. L. Steed A. R. King 407350 SeMe : "Rehabilitization of Civilian Handicapped Persons;” Mr. Harry M. Dawdy, Vocational Educational Dept., ' Topeka, 11:00 am. ; Introduction of Norman Damon by Dr. Irma Gene Nevins : Address--"Budget Your Miles For Victory." Norman Damon, Vice President Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D. C. Announcements