Assembly Singing Invitetions for 1943 Convention (Hmporia extended an invitation. ) REPORT OF CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE, INS. G. GOODSCN WRIGHT Number from City Council s----<--<<---<<--<<-<--eseee"~" 23 Number from County Council s-----~-----<--------<-<-<-~- ~ 3 Number of State Offricers--<<--<<-----«-- ae ae ee 9 Number of State Chairmen~-------~------------- nen 16 Number of District Director S------------- oe eee 13 Voting Delegates--~----- ee re L167 Visiting Delegate S-----~--- ~~ ee nnn eer nnn nnn 283 Total Registrat ion<-------<------ 9-H Seen ~------ 750 AWARD OF SILVER LOVING CUPS Penny Parade Cup won by Tenth District Life Membershin Cup won by Tenth District State Life Membershins were oresented to fiss Julia Peed-------------- Hutchinson Mts. Fa We CAND Hwee <--e ore Hutchinson H. L. Steed----~---- wee eee Hutchinson Miss Edith Botkin----- ~~~ ee Hutchinson Mrs. N. J. Mammel------ 7am en Hutchinson Miss Jane Hudson------------- Hutchinson Miss Vada Helm------<---<---- Hutchinson Installation of Officers--Mrs. William Kletzer, Hational President, MINUTS MOTIGN by Mrs. MeCamant that the reading and approval of minutes be referred to the Summer Executive Committee Meeting. (CARRI@D) CLOSING CEREMONY LEADTR--We have come to our closing hour. ‘Before our last handclasp, our farewells to each other, let us reaffirm our faith in our country by repeating togetiner the American's creed: #T believe in the United‘States of America as a government of the veople, by the people, for the people: whose just powers are derived from the con- sent of the governed; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparatle; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and human- ity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and their fortunes.” “Therefore, I believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies. --"Jilliam Taylor Page.