Atchison, Kansas July 31, 1941 Dear Board Member: In assembling this first Unit Packet for you I have thought of the many differen’. tasks you are called upon to do in Parent-Teacher work in your communities, aside from your work on the board. Because of this, I have included any material I thought would be helpful to youre The present conditions are a challenge to Parent-Teacher leaders to retein and strengthen our present units, as well as ic organize new ones at every opportunity. I am sure each one of us feels this is one of our most important obligationse Since our organization is concerned with the welfare of children and youth, we must work with renewed effort toward the kind of homzs, schoois and comm~ unities that are essential to their well+beinge ~ am looking forward to our association togethere Wishirg you a successful and pleasant P, Te Ae year, I am sincerely, athe au. pre «ed iaceg— Heien Louise Emery HLE/ry . State President this packet contains: , Manual Councils Membership Cards By-Laws- Projects & Purposes What Parent-Teacher Resolutions Schools of Instruction Membership Means Findings Food For Fitness Publications Oder- Objects Kansas Home Accident's Blanks CALENDAR File For Future Use Names of state officers, state chairmen and district directors, with their addresses are given in each issue of the Kansas Parent Teacher. OBSERVE "Membership Enrollment “Jeek" September 22-27, set aside by proclamation of the Governor. SECUKE subscriptions for National Parent Teacher Magazine and Kansas Parent Teacher Magazine. SEND name and address of your National Parent Teacher Magazine Chairman to Mrs. Jesse Wire, 830 South Poplar, Ottawa, Kansas, state Chairman. If your By-Laws have not been approved, send them to Mrse We Re Loder, 723 E. 7th St., Hutchinson, Kansas. OCTOBER _ S2ND State and National membership dues to State Office, Suite 9, Blair Building, Atchison, Kansas. PLAN to send several delegates to your DISTRICT CONFHERINCE. NOVEMB SR P, T. A» ROUNDTABLES, heid in connection with State Teacher's Conventions. OBS2iVE “American Education Week." SEND delegates to Conference on Leadership Training and Program Planning at Lawrence, Kansase Theme--"TODAYS CHALLENGS TO WOMENS ORGANIZATIONS." DEC AMBER SEND additionel membership dues. cae owen ee 2| PENNY PARADIS for State Student Aid Fund--Send gifts to State Offices FEBRUARY OBSERVE FOUNDER'S DAY with a special program. Send Founder's Day Gift to State Office. aLSCT Unit Officers. Send name and address of newly elected president to the State Office. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. MARCH SIND additional membership dues. All State and Netional monics must be in the State Office on or before March 15. S2ND all reports in to place indicated on blank. ELACT delegates to State Convention. APRIL SLATS CONVSNTION--in Hutchinson, Kansas, April 15-16-17. LOCAL UNIT REPORTS must be in State Office before April 15. SUMM&GR ROUND-UP registration should be sent to the State Chairman, Mrs. Harry Stewart, 1122 Vottier, Manhattan, Ks. MAY | INSTALL new officers. | SEND delegates to NATIONAL CONV=NTICN in San Antonio, Texas. SEND subscriptions to National and State magazinese Dear Membership Chairmen: iI hope you have had a restful summer vacation and that you are ready to start the new school year with real parent- teacher enthusiam, for you are responsible for maintaining and increasing the membership of your unit. The membership chairman is THE salesman for your association. Urge parents to "Invest in childhood and youth with a Parent- Teacher Membership." Set a high goal for your unit. The foundation of every parent-teacher association is memberhsip. A solid foundation helps make a successful local unite Select your membership committees carefully--choose members who understand the parent-teacher objects, purposes, policies, achievements, and activities, so they can present them proper- ly to all prospective members. Keep in mind that the parent- teacher organization is educational. To do an effective piece of work the membership chairman should be a thorough believer in the parent-teacher movement; he should like people and be able to meet them easily. He should understand the work in your community, and also the achievements and activites of the national, state, and local organizations, so he may speak enthusically of the "ALL- INCLUSIVE" membership. The governor has declared the week of September 22-28, 1941 as PARENT-TEACHSR ENRCLLMZNT ‘JEEK. City daily and rural weekly papers alike proclaim this act to their readers. In the National Membership Conference in Boston three questions were discussed. The following are a few of them: 1. How does the parent-teacher association serve the community? (a) Molds public opinion (b) Sponsors supervised recreation (c) Protects public recreation (ad) Helps interpret the school's program (e) Promotes youth guidance (f) Keeps parents informed on what is going on in community. Eis Who should belong? : (a) Every citizen interested in preserving democracy. (ob) Every citizen interested in the welfare of the future generation MEUVMSERSHAS CHATRMAN Mrs. Ge Goodson Wright, Route # 5, Newton, Kansas SLOGAN ~ Every Home A Participating Membership. GOAL - 48,000 Memberships in 1942. OBJECTIVES = Attain a high membership record Retain last year's members Regain former members Obtain NEW members Maintain high standard of membership work Refrain from using petty devises Train membership workers Gain men participation Every HOME a member Sustain enthusiastic interest Cooperate with community activites interested in the welfare of children and youth GOVERNOR PAYNE RATKER'S PROCLAMATION FOR PARENT TEACHER ENROLLMENT WEEK, SEPT. 22=27, 1941 HOW ~ Study 1942 Manual, pages 3, 12, 13 and 41-44. Cooperate with Hospitality, Publicity, Program, and Room Representative Committees. Study your local by-laws pertaining to membership. Organize and prepare material that will serve as a guide to local committee workers. Seek cooperation of the school administration and Board of Education. Stress the use of the ALL-INCLUSIVE membership carde Compile a record book of all material that might be helpful to next membership chairman. Plan a membership teae Understand "What Parent Teacher Membership Means", and "Why A Congress Pe Te. Ae 2" A vesper service for Sunday proceeding enrollment week. A PARENT TEACHER MEMBERSHIP IS A SMALL INVESTMENT THAT PAYS A BIG DIVIDEND. Membership Certificates to be issued to - 1. New Associations 2. «associations making 10% gain 3. Associations making 25% gain 4. Associations making 50% gain -~2=- Membership--Mrs. Ge Goodson Wright 111. How may members be enrolled? (a) Secure worthwhile publicity (>) Offer well-planned programs (c) Personal visits to homes of school patrons (d) Cooperation in community activities Delegates from various states suggested many methods that had proven successful in membership enrollment. These, with others, wili be sent to you upon recuest from your State Membership Chairman. Kansas gained 2,561 members last year, so let us make our goal of 48,000 strong’ Mrs. William Kletzer, National Congress President, says, "Our organization must hold the line on the normal community services to children in education, in recreation, in social service, and in medical caree Regardless of what we do today in national or international affairs, tomorrow must be safeguarded, and the greatest safeguard for tomorrow is the preservation of the physical, mental, and emotional stability of our present generation of children."' To me, this is a good answer to the question, "Why join the parent- teacher association?" It is a challenge to every American citizene Are you Going your part? Study your state chairman's planse Ask questions. Your chairman is ready to help you, and would like to have your name and address. Send all inquiries on membership to her. Sincerely, Mrse Ge Goodson Wright State Memzership Chairman ANNOUNCING the second annual conference on GROUP LEADERSHIP and COOPERATION to be held jointly with the conference on the CAUSE and CURE of WAR University of Kansas, Lawrence Mov. 20, el, and 22, 1941 The Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers is cooperating again this year with the state organizations of the American Association of University Women, the Federation or’ Business and Professional Womens' Clubs, the Fed- eration of Womens' Clubs, the League of Women Voters, the Kansas district of Y.W.C.A., the committee on the Cause and Cure of War, and the University of Kansas, in making these conferences possible. The officers of your state organization feel that a great deal of worthwhile leadership may come from attending these meetings and hope that each unit will feel that they ean send at least one delegate. The purpose or this joint conference is to bring together leaders of these organizations to discuss how by better cooperation and by better leadership that a program can be developed which will have better contin- uity of thought and purpose. Probably at no time in our nation's history has there been a greater need for unity of thought and action than at the present time. The present scattered activities for defense present an ur- ge. necd for coordination, for leadership and for the elimination of wasted effort. The joint conference will open at 11:00 o'clock Thursday morning and close with a luncheon meeting on Saturday noon. The conference will adjourn in time for those who care to attend the Homecoming football game between the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri. There will be a simall registration fee which will be charged to cover only the cost of the program. It is suggested that expenses be held to a minimum by various groups arranging to fill a car with delegates from a sin- gle community or communities. Desirable lodging may be secured close to the campus at a minimum charge (75 cents a night per person for a double room or $1.00 a night for a single room)... Organizations within casy driving dis- tance of Lawrence are urged to take advantage of their proximity by sending as many delegates as can attond either part or all of the joint conference,. A special club fce will be worked out. Copics of the program will be available by October 25. Simply address your lettcr or post card to the Univorsity Extonsion Division and a copy of the program will be scnt you promptly. SELECTION OF CONVENTION DATS (SASTER, APRIL 25) MOTION’ by Miss Thompson to have the Convention on April 14, 15, and 16. (CARRIED) HLECTION OF ONS MaMBER FOR BOARD’ OF TRUSTESS FOR STUDENT AID, Je Le Sharp and Rev. Fred Smith were named. Rev. Smith was elected, receiving 27 votes. RISIGNATION Mrs. LeRoy Arnold, newly elected Seventh Vice President resigned as Program Chairman. MOTICN by W. ki. Richards to accent resignation. (@ARRI™' Mrs. R. A. Seaton, Manhattan, and Mrs. Donald C. McRae, Kansas City; were “nominated to fill vacancy. Mrs. MeRae was elected, receiving 16 votes. ELECTION OF NCMINATING COM TS Nominations were called for. The following were nominated: Hazel E. Thompson, Harry Dawdy, W. T. Markhan,Toneka; Mrs. De D. Harbaugh, Coffeyviile; Mrs. Chas. Snider, Salina; Mrs. A. D. Lowe, Wichita; Is. €. B. Sherwood, Hugoton; Mrs. Geo. Winters, Wichita; Mrs. Fred C. Barber, Concordia. MOTION by W.‘M. Richards that each person cast a ballot fr five persons, ranking name in order of choice and that the five low totals be declared elected. (CATRI™D) SELECTION OF DELEGATIS TO NATICNAL CONVENTION « San Antonio, May 3-7. MOTION by irs, McCamant to send the Editor of the Kansas Parent-Teacher as a delegate, exvenses to be paid from bulletin funds. (CARRI7D) Others named-‘were: Mrs. W. D. Grover, Kansas Citv; Mrs. H. D. Fugate, Wichita; Mrs. A. T. Jenkins, Kansas City. MOTION by Mr. Richards that the Prosident. issue cards, as far as possible, to others desiring to attend convention, (CARRITD) SELECTION OF PRESIDENT'S ALTURNATE ON PATIONAL BOATD OF EF / NAtcsp< Mrs. W. R. Loder, First Vice Fresident, Mrs.-E. @. Miller, Second Vice President, and Mrs. Ben McCamant, Secretary, were named. MOTICN bv Harry Dawdy that these three be named as Alternates in the order named. (CARRI™D) APPROVAL OF BUDGST FOR 1942-43. The Secretary read the proposed Budget (Appendix V). MOTION by Mrs. MceCamant to adopt the Budget, subject to changes found necessary and approved by the Executive Committee. (CARRI=D) APPOINTITENT OF BUDC™T COM TISE The President appointed W, T. Markham, W. I’. Richards, and Mrs. McCamant to the Budget Committee. . MOTION by W. M. Richards that the Budget Cormittee sub- mit a prepared budget with two yarallel columns, the first showing appropriation for each item for current year and the second column showing proposed appropriation for the ensuing year. (CARRIZD). MOTION by W. Me Richards to rescind action taken by Board under section "Election of Nominating Committee.” (CARRI™D) | MOTION by Mrs. Leo Stewart to -cast another ballot, voting for five, those getting the highest number of votes to be declared elected. (CARRITD) Mr. Markham was granted privilege of withdrawing his name from those named. Ballots were again passed and vote cast. BOUND COPY OF KANSAS-PARENT-TRACISR. PRESENTED Mrs. J. W. Oursler presented a bound copy of this years nine issues, a gift from the Zona Printing Company. MOTION by Mrs. McCamant to have office secretary send a note of appreciation to the Zona Printing Company. (CARRISD) STUDENT LOAM FUND MOTION by Mrs. Reece Bowen that the Board authorize the 4500.00 in the Student Loan Fund be apportioned to the five cooperating colleges to be invested in young peoples lives. (CARRI@D). ; REPORT OF TELLERS ON ELECTION OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE A tie vote of seventeen for Harry Dawdy and Mrs. Barber. MOTION by Mre. Steven that Mr. Dawdy and Mre,. Barber leave eH room and vote be taken by voice to break the tie vote. CARRI@D). Those elected to the Nominating Cowmittee for 1942-43 were: Mrs. Geo. WinterS-----<-9-------- 25 Mrs. D. D. Harbaugh----<---+-----=- 2b Mrs. A. BE. LoOWe@--~------s--5-5--- 18 Mrs. C. B. Sherwood ----<--~<------ 18 Me. Harry Dawdy-------~-------~--19 RECEIVING HOM’ FOR CHILDREN WOTICN by Harry Dawdy that the Board of the Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers go on record as sunporting in vrin- ciple the report and suggestions made by the State Advisory Committee on Children's Institutions for the establishnent of a Receiving Home for the scientific study and observation of children tmo are nade wards of the state. (CARRIED). K, S. T. A. LEGISLATIVE PROGR! MOTION by W. M. Richards ee this Board rec local units make a careful stucy of the Legi of the Kansas State Teachers Association. (C commend that all slative Progrem CARRI: 39) ° ADJOURN 2D Attest: Wrse. B. W. tmery Signed: Mrs. Ben McCamant Presiden Secretary Avvendix if Exhibit I STATEMENT OF CASH RECE IPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS March 16, 1941 to March 16, 1942 é ¢ Cash Balance, March 15, 1941: General Fund------------ es nr rrr mone ceeeee A 652. 93 Student Loan Fund------------ wen nn enn eee $77.82 9 5,230.7: Cash Receipts--General Fund: DUG Gee o 6 ee 66 6 5 oe Se eee “9 230. 60 Pounders Day Gilta-<<«seeooee ee er reese ALL. 31 State Convention Registration FeeS----------9~ 510.20 Sniléing and Loan Dividendse<<