ANNOUNCING the second annual conference on GROUP LEADERSHIP and COOPERATION to be held jointly with the conference on the CAUSE and CURE of WAR University of Kansas, Lawrence Mov. 20, el, and 22, 1941 The Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers is cooperating again this year with the state organizations of the American Association of University Women, the Federation or’ Business and Professional Womens' Clubs, the Fed- eration of Womens' Clubs, the League of Women Voters, the Kansas district of Y.W.C.A., the committee on the Cause and Cure of War, and the University of Kansas, in making these conferences possible. The officers of your state organization feel that a great deal of worthwhile leadership may come from attending these meetings and hope that each unit will feel that they ean send at least one delegate. The purpose or this joint conference is to bring together leaders of these organizations to discuss how by better cooperation and by better leadership that a program can be developed which will have better contin- uity of thought and purpose. Probably at no time in our nation's history has there been a greater need for unity of thought and action than at the present time. The present scattered activities for defense present an ur- ge. necd for coordination, for leadership and for the elimination of wasted effort. The joint conference will open at 11:00 o'clock Thursday morning and close with a luncheon meeting on Saturday noon. The conference will adjourn in time for those who care to attend the Homecoming football game between the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri. There will be a simall registration fee which will be charged to cover only the cost of the program. It is suggested that expenses be held to a minimum by various groups arranging to fill a car with delegates from a sin- gle community or communities. Desirable lodging may be secured close to the campus at a minimum charge (75 cents a night per person for a double room or $1.00 a night for a single room)... Organizations within casy driving dis- tance of Lawrence are urged to take advantage of their proximity by sending as many delegates as can attond either part or all of the joint conference,. A special club fce will be worked out. Copics of the program will be available by October 25. Simply address your lettcr or post card to the Univorsity Extonsion Division and a copy of the program will be scnt you promptly.