REPORTS OF OFFICERE : Reports were given by vice-presidents, Secretary, and Treasure. copies filed with the Secreucary. President asked permission *« call the officers elect’ to Soura of Managers neeting. Upon motion by Dr. Nash, We 4. woavkham end Mrs. C. 2 Sherwood were asked in to the necting, MOTION by Rev. Smith to atjourn, 10:05 P. M. (CARRIED) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 194 The meeting of the board of’ Managers Was called to order by Mrs. BE. W. Bmery, President, at 9:00 A.Il. A prayer was offered by Mrs. Winters. FILLING OF VACANCI%S Mrs. Wm. Downs cf TIays and Brs. L. H. Yulich of Kansas-’City were nominatcd to fill vacaney of Sixth Vice President, due to the death of Mrs. Norah Luther. Tellers appointcd wore Dr. Nash, Mrs. A. D. Lowe, and Mrs. Leo Stewart. Vote cast was Mrs. “Wm. Downs 26 Mes. Le Be TULICH 22 Mrs. Downs wes electcd Sixth Vice President. Mrs. D. D. Harbaugh was nominated for Publicity Chairman, vacancy due to the rcsignation of Mrs. i. 1. Jenkins. No other names were presented; the vote was taken. Mrs. Harbaugh was elected. REPORT OF BYLA'S COMMITTES Mrs. W. R. Loder read the Revisions to the Bylaws and moved that the Revisions be recommended to the Convention Body. (CARRIED) MOTION by Mrs. Loder that Board of Managers approve Council Bylaws for Liberal, Hutchinson, Tola, and Pittsbrue. (CARRIED) REPORT OF BUDGET COMMITTER Mrs. McCamant read the suggested budget for 1942-43 to be approved at the Post Board Meeting. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STATE CHAIRMEN PROCEDUR? irs. Whipole reac the report os preteotoec to the Mreevtive Conm- $4 = am lad oe ee: Kigvertet eget eee mittee and recommended to the Bear. or Menagers, HOTTON by Tires. Steven to secept the recommendation. ?CARRTEDJ APPENDIX. f.