EDUCATION FOR THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE Submitted by Mrs. LeRoy arnold Program Chairman Beginning at Home 1. The Home as a Recreative Force. 2e Health Education and the Home. 3. Home, the primary source of character. 4. The Safe Home. 5. Radio as a Source of Home Education. 6. Democratic Family Relationships in the Home. REFERENCES s National Congress Bulletin, Sept. 1940. Our Homes, aPilitt. Ada Hart, Paris 2 Sy 4. "The Family: Democracy in Miniature, it Na t'l. Parent-Teacher, March, 1939. "The Fomily Part in Social Change," Nat'l. Parent-Teacher, Dece, 1939. "Hconomic Security for Family Living," Nat'l. Parent-Teacher, March, 1940. "Chalienging Frontiers in Child Health," Nat'l. Parent- Teacher, Jane, 1940. "To be or not to be Safe," National Parent-Teacher, Oct., ‘40. "The Family as the Threshold of Democracy," National Parent= Teacher, May, 1940. "So are Citizens Educated," Ibid. II. a Chance for every Child Handicapped Children physical social mental Parent-Teacher cooperation with public ond private agencies. summer Round-Up. Unlicensed Teachers: Radio, Movie, and the Press. Recreation. REFSRENCES 3 National Congress Bulletin, Nov., 1940. National Parent-Teacher: "Social Services for Children," Auge, Sept.e, 1940. "Helping Children to Health," Oct., 1940. "Challenging - Frontiers in Child Health," Jane, 1941. "The Least of These," Feb., 1941. "How Children Learn," March, oe "My Brother's Keeper," Octe, 1939