e ere, Publicity--Mro. He Le Jenkins " PUBLICITY RECORD BOOKS WHY= 7 4 valuable record of activities for reference, basis of work, and display. WHEN | Through the months of P. T, A. activities in chrono- logical order. W Aye Cie For use in local units, district meetings, and state conventions « HOW = The state recuirements will be as follows: 1. COVERS- Durable, with neme of unit, city, district and state. 2, INDEX- On first page of book. If in sections, index ecch section. 3. ARRANCEVONT- in chronologicel order in each section. 4, CONTENTS- Newspaper clippings, published photographs, invizations, announcements, programs, yearbooks, minature vosters, and radio publicity. 1. inside publicity- that which comes from unit to membership. 2, Outside oublicity- local newspapers and other channels. 3, All publicity should be dated and source of publication givene 5. DISPLAY- 4 display of recoré books will be held at tic Stcte Cenvention anc credit given each book. 6. USE- The publicity record book should be constantly usea for reference by the Publicity Chairman as a basis for improving her work. Back files may reveal any successful projects which may be tried cgaine Tt should be filed and passed on to the Publicity Chairman's successor or kept rypileble on the Unit Book Shelf. Your Stete Publicity Chairman urges you to contact her whenever she may be of assistance, end asks that you report interesting meetings and events to her during the years Your District Director should receive your publicity items for the Kansas Parent Teacher Magazine.