COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS STATE OF KANSAS Kansas State College of Agri- culture and Applied Science and United States Department Extension Service of Agriculture Cooperating Home Demonstration Work Manhattan June 3, 1941 Dear Cooperator: The women of America have been called upon to do an important job. It is to make our country strong by making every American stronger. This means to make them more sturdy in body, steadier in nerves, and surer in living. Better food for everyone is one of the first things needed to do this. Science can tell us what is needed for adequate nutrition, but recent studies show that we have millions of people who are underfed. The program, "Food For Fitness", which is enclosed has been prepared to help groups in studying the nutrition problems in their ow communities. What keeps people from being well fed, and what can be done about it. We should like very much to know how your group is approaching this problem. After your discussion on "Food For Fitness", will you fill out the enclosed card and return it to me. No postage is required. Very truly yours, Cn / Deo Georgiana H. Smurthwaite GHS : AMJ State Home Demonstration Leader Enc.