We Have a Job to Do- * We have a job to do. You, and IJ, and everyone. Our job is this: To make América StronGeccccscssccsoces Defense is planes and guns. It is equipping an army #6 man olr military weapons, It is this, and more. -- It is building the health, the-physical fitness, the social well-being of all our people, and doing it the ‘democratic wav. “Hungry pebple; ‘under-nourished people; ill people, do not make’ for strong defense. “ms. then, “is our job, not all of it, but a vital part: Let us make every “Smeriéan’ strong, stronger than ever before, sturdier in body, steadier in nerves, surer in living. . we Herriet Elliott, Consumer Commissioner, ‘Netional bétenke Advisory Commission. ey ae Prepared | oy waes Mary a Fle stcher, foods and: nutrition specialist of Kansas State College Extension Service, at the ah of the Kansas Committee on Human Nutrition in reletion to Nationel Defense.