3. .Food that will keep each one in 3. state of vigorous health. . ‘de Food that will enrble each one to work effectively. 5. Weli-fed children who cen face the future free from physical handicsps. caused by inedequate nutrition. oT 6. “Good eating habits that help provide for the body's food needs. . 7%. The kind of food that will help to prevent many of the ills that show up in middle age cr later life. a. IIl. What keeps us from reaching this goal? - 1. Too frequently we say, "This: may be true some place elise, but it doesn't apply here." Check your family for these signs of good nutrition: bs Are they free from constipation? e. Do they have strong straight bones? blemighes? . . e. Are they susceptible to disease? things they do? sti cg | as fem TE Re 36 Ae De eating 2 6. 76 ~6~ « a.. Do they have good teeth? d. Are their skins smooth and free from f. Do they tire easily? Sail g. Have they 4 good appetite?: h. Are they alert and interested in the # ‘ Is their weight normal? j. Are the children showing’ 4 steady gein in weight? Some lack monéy to buy food. ro Not enough resets produced on tain homes to supply sigs Some do not know what is needed for adequate nutrition. Many have pronounced food likes and dislikes that keep them from wide variety of foods. "sea Soawcmdeniinitonaupmana a Some are unable to adapt eating customs to the food supply at hare: Persons who follow food fads and use special restricted dicts, ump less under the supervision of a physician, may get poorly balanced diets. O00r on o