o 2 wa The Rev. Fred Smith gave the invocation. The Call of the meeting was read by the Secretary and the Agenda passed. MINUTES APPROVAL COMMITT&SE REPORT The minutes of the January Sxecutive Committee meeting were reported as correct as printed by Mrs. George Winters. MINUTES APPROVAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED The President appointed Mrs. D. D. Harbaugh, Mrs. A.» E..Hastings, and Miss Hazel Thompson, to check the minutes of the Board of Managers and the Convention. BILLS APPROVAL COMMITTSS APPOINTED The President appointed Mrs. L. R. Fulton, and Mrs. George Winters to check the bills presented at this convention. TELLERS The President announced that Mr. W. M. Richards, had been elected at the January Executive Committee meeting to serve as Chairmen of Tellers for the election at this convention. Nominations were opened for four other members for this committee: Mrs. Le Roy Arnold was nominated by Mrs. EB. &. Miller. Mrs. C. Be Sherwood, was nominated by Miss Hazel Thompson. Mr. Harry Dawdy, was nominated by Mrs. George Winters. Mr. James Sharpe, was nominated by Mrs. J. Oscar Brown. MOTION by Mrs. Lucile Rust, that the nominations be closed. CARRIED. MOTION by L. M. Bddy, toc elect those nominated as Tellers for the election. CARRIED. CONVENTION RULES The Convention Rules proposed by Mrs. Carl Anderson, were read by the Secretary and on MOTION were recommended to the Convention body for approval. CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS The elected Officers 2nd several District Directors gave reports of their activities and filed same with the Secretary. RESIGNATION OF THIRD VICEPRESIDENT The Secretary read a letter of resignation from Mrs. Re A+» Seaton, who, due to her temporary residence in Washington, D. C., wished to resign as third Vicepresident. The resignation was referred to the Post-Con- vention Board of Managers meeting» WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1941 The meeting of the Beard cf Managers was called to order by the Presi- dent at 9:30 a. m. The Secretary read the report of the third Vicepresident, Mrs. R. A. Seaton, which was filed. ! TRSASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer, Mr. Fred Smith, read his report which will be found in Appendix No. I, tc these minutes.