-5- PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Alice Sowers, Family Life Education Specialist-- University of Oklahoma. (HOME) Rev. A. B. Miller, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church Pittsburg. (CHURCH) Mr. Glenn A. DeLay, Supt. Schools, Neodesha--(SCHOOL) Mr. Frank Sands, Independence--(PRESS) Pageant--"History of the Flag." V.F.W. Auxiliary and Sea Scouts. Reader-j--Mrs. E.- L. Jenkins. THURSDAY MORNING--MEMORIAL HALL 8:30 to 9:30 CONFERENCES WITH STATE CHAIRMEN: GROUP I--Main Floor--East Side. Presiding--Mrs. D. De a 7th Vicepresident. Motion Pictures and Visual Education--School Education and Exceptional Child--Use of Alcohol & Other Narcotics-- Character Hducation. GROUP II--Main Floor--West Side. Presiding--lirs. E. W. Emery. Child Hygiene--Mental Hygieney-Social Hygiene--Summer Round-Up ° GROUP IIiI--Balcony--Hast Side. Presiding--Mrs. George Winters, 4th Vicepresident. International Relations--Juvenile Protection--Safety-- Student Aid. GROUP IV--Balcony--West Side. Presiding--Mrs. Ee J. Nodurfth. Membership--Finance and Budget--Hospitality. RD Gs SESSION THURSDAY MORNING--Memorial Hall. Presiding--Mrs. James H. Whipple, State President. 10:00 aem. | Devotional--Patriotic Dramatization--Presented by pupils of Washington Sch:cl--Directors--Miss Dorothy Featherngill and Miss Bertha Simon. BUSINESS SESSION: Report of Nominating Committee, Mrs Fred Smith,Acting @hr. "Your State Committee on Nominations presents the follow- ing named members as nominees for the respective offices:" For PreSident..ccccccceccoccoveeceeelSe He We Emery, Atchison For First Vicepresident,........+6+6.»Mps..W.e Re Loder, Hutchinson. For SECretaryececcccsseccccorscceseehirsSe Ben Mc Camant, Wichita Signed--lirs. Myrcen Husband, Chairman Miss Helen Wagstaff Vrs. W. R. Loder Mr. Fred Smith Mrs. G- Goodson Wright