« M6 11:30 A. M. , DISTRICT MEETINGS--MEMORIAL HALL Meeting places designated by placards. FRIAY rOON--12:30 p.m. AWARDS LUNCHEON--Memorial Hall--First Floor Presiding--Mrs. George Winters, 4th Vicepresident, and Mrs. James H. Whipple, State President. Invocation--lrs. ‘Im. Paul Barnds. aCHIEVEMENT AWARDS : Membership--lMrs. &. J. Nodurfth, Acting Chairman. 1941 Total MemberShip..cccssscccreseseeces 040,080 PNAS c ce ceesse sere esesesesrersevevsstes 563 Units. 10% gain OF OVEPeeereserevcseecs 198 Units SAME cececcesreveeseeeeseneseerereoe 39 Units NOWé 6 666666 6H KEKE E CHK H EEO DES 34 Total Membership 1941....seeeeeee see 0 045,080 Total Membership 1940..-sssceeeveeeee 043,057 Gath, ws 06s oe Ls 64 4 665 600444040414 OS 1,423 AWARDS FOR MEMBERSHIP WERE saNNOUNCED AS. FOLLOWS: 1. ae 3. 4. Se 6. Te 8. City High School .ssociation.coreseecceresseessevesvctew Washington High PT2, Salina. City Junior High Associationsssccceseessceversccveses 68% Sherman Jr-High PTa, Hutchinson. City Grade MBBOCTSEEGRs c ccccbncccececerccescsoceseslLigwe Concordia Grade PTs, Concordia. Combination Grede & Jr-High Association. «...++e+10e+318% Horton PTs, Horton. Rural High ASsociationecsccrecceccccecseccscseeseses 410 Vilas Rural High PTA, Vilas. Rural Gr2de SEE, 5 os 64 0 bd 606 06406060846 0060 00008188 Padonia PTA, Padonia. Combination Rural ASSoCintione.sccseccscececvesesss sOaap Belmont PT+., Belmont. PreeSGh0ol] ASBOCLAtIONe ccseccccescsacccsccspesscsese BOD Olathe Pre-School PT:, Olathe. STANDARDS--Mrs. E. Be Miller=-Chairman. Reports send Ot, ok 60000606 600 086000 t eee St amaee VALS. «+ 4 bch s 6o4an 69 0860 50 686 PARENT TEACHER COURSES--Mrs. Leo Stewart, Chairman. Number enrolled from April 1940 to April 1941......125 Number completing Courses sccccscccesccnceseseseeeelOl Number completing last year's course this year..... 16 Number lessons graded April 1940 to April 1941.....123 EMBLEMS--Mrs. Glenn A. Steven, Chairman.-- Mrs. Steven gave a de- tailed report of supplies scld and on hand. March 15, 1941 The auditing committee of the Chairmen on Emblems' béoks beg to submit the following report: We have audited the books of Mrs. Glenn A. Steven, State Emblems Chairman & find them to be correct. Signed--Mrs. L. E. Yulich Mrs. Carl Anderson.