2. # ASSEMBLY SINGING--Leader Mrs. W. L. Newell--scc. Mrs. BE. Ce. Rader. INVITATIONS FOR 1942 Convention--Salina, Hutchinson, Lawrence and Emporia. REPORT OF CREDENTIALS COMMITT"T--Mrs. E. J. Nodurfth, Acting Chr. Number of voting BOA MORGE, s 5cs 5 ok 6a os sehes eh Number of State Officers. cccscccsccevesssees 8 Number of State Chairmenecscccerecsesevsseve oe Number of District DirectorS.cccsccvesceesee 15 Number of Council Presidents... ceresseseeves CitVeceeevvccsvreverseorees 19 COUNTY ce reervevevevvess 4 Total number of accredited delegates........499 Visiting delegates paid..esesccceescvecevees vo Visiting delegates not paid..sccccceveceeves SO. TOTAL Pe kk 66440060606 0044 462 oe eT A MOTION to accept the final report of the Credential committee was made end carried. aANvARD OF SILVER LOVING CUPS: Penny Parade cup won by Eleventh District. Life Membership Cup won by Tenth District State Life Memberships were presented to: Mrs. D. D. Herbaugh--Coffeyville. Mrs. Le Ee Yulich--Kans2zs City. Mrs. Mildred Curtis--Arkansas City. Mrs. Ben Buck, Wichita. Mrs. T. V. Weinhold--Kansas City. INST::sLLATION OF OFFICERS--Mrs. M. A. Taylor, National represent- ative from Region Six, installed the following officers in an impressive ceremony: Mrs. He We Emery, President; Mrs. Ye R. Loder, First Vicepresident; Mrs. Ben Mc Camant, secretary. MINUTES--MOTION by Mrs. E. L. Jenkins, that the reading of the minutes be postponed to the July meeting of the Executive Committee. CaRKIED. CLOSING--A farewell eulogy was delivered by Mrs. James H. Whipple, retiring president. ‘Words of her pledge of service to the Congress for the coming years were given by Mrs. H. YT. Emery, the new president. “The Unconquerable Spirit in Man"--by James Hilton was solemnly read by the con- vention as it closed. ATTEST3; Mrs. James H. hipple Signed: Mrs. HE. L.- Jenkins President secretary