- 12 - MEETING OF ELECTIVE OFFICERS & DISTRICT DIRECTORS Elective Officers and District Directors met Friday a.m., in Memorial Hall, eee Kansas, to elect the Chairmen from names presented o by the Nominating Committee. The following attended: Mrs. Ben Mc Camant, Mrs. Norah Luther, Mrs. A. E. Hastings, Mrs. Wm. Downs, Mrs. J. Oscar Brown, Mrs. C. Fred Griffith, Mrs. James E. Siler, Mrs. E. T. Beck, Mrs. M. Erickson, Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mrs. D. D. Harbaugh, Mrs. A. D. Lowe, Mrs. J. W. Hutch- ison, Mrs. John Daly, Mrs. R. S. Pickler, Mrs. C. B. Sherwood, Mrs. O. C. Taylor, Mrs. Arthur Leach, Mrs. EB. A. Carlson, Mrs. Geo. Winters, Mrs. We Re Loder, Mrs. As EZ. Stockebrand, Fred Smith, Mrs. E. W. Emery. CHAIRMEN ELECTED WERE s Art Character Education Child Hygiene Citizenship Congress Publications Emblems Exceptional Child-School Educ. Founder's Day Historian Homemaking International Relations Juvenile Protection Kansas Parent Teacher Editor Legislation Library Service Membership Mental Hygiene Motion Picture & Visusal Educ. Music National Parent Teacher Parent Education Parent Teacher Courses Parliamentarian Program Service Publicity Redio Recreation Rural Service Safety Social Hygiene Student Aid Aleohol & Other Narcotics Summer Round-Up Mrs. Ira Stockebrand, Independence Mr. John England, Newton. Mrs. Matt Scherer, Newton. W. Me. Richards, Emporia. Mrs. Hubert Bell, Atchison Mrs. Glenn A. Steven, Kansas City. Mr. Chas. Hawkes, Salina. Mrs. Reece Bowen, Arkansas City. Mrs. James H. Whipple, Topeka Mrs.e Lucile Rust, Manhattan. Miss Julia Emery, Wichita. Mr. Harry Dawdy, Topeka. Mrs. J. W. Oursler, Wichita BE. C. Westlund, Topeka Miss Helen Wagstaff, Lawrence Mrs. G. G. Wright, Newton. Dr. Bert Nash, Lawrence. L. M. Eddy, Parsons. Otis J. Mumaw, Parsons. Mrs. Jesse Wire, Ottawa. Miss Hazel Thompson, Topeka Mrs. Leo Stewart, Wichita. Mrs. Le Re Fulton. Mrs. LeRoy Arnold, Kansas City. Mrs. E. L» Jenkins, Topeka Mrs. I. U. Rea, Me Pherson. Dr. Forrest Allen, Lawrence. Mrs. Adah Cain, Topeka Miss Irma Gene Nevins, Pittsburg. Mrs. E. J. Nodurfth, Wichita. Vr. James Sharpe, Chanute. Mrs. Jesse Crawford, Kansas City. Mrs. Harry Stewart, Manhattan. Signed: Mrs. Ben Mc Camant, Secretary.