a iS « POST CONVENTION MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE KANSAS CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS APRIL 18, 1941-------------- Independence. The Post Convention meeting of the Board of Managers of the Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers, was held in the Basement Room of the Hotel Booth, Independence, Kansas, Friday, April 18, 1941, follow- ing the Convention Session. Mrs. E. W. Emery, President, called the meeting to order and presided. The Secretary, Mrs. Ben Mc Camant, read the Call. The following members attended: Mrs. E. W. Emery, Mrs. W. R. Loder, Mrs. &. E. Miller, Mrs. Geo. Winters, Mrs. Norah Luther, Mrs. De De Harbaugh, Mr. Fred Smith, Mrs. Ben Me Camant, Mrs. L. R. Fulton, Miss Hazel Thompson, Mrs. ©. A.» Cerlson, Mrs. A. E. Stockebrand, Mrs. A. Ee Hestings, Mrs. Arthur Le2ch, Mrs. E. T. Beck, Mrs. Martin Erickson, Mrs. C. B. Sherwood, Mrs. 0. C. Taylor, L. M. Eddy, Mrs. E. Jd. Nodurfth W. M. Richards, Mrs. I, U. Rea, Mrs. C. Fred Griffith, Mrs. Wm. Downs, Mrs. J. Oscar Brown, Mrs. G. G. Wright, Mrs. James Siler, Mrs. J» We ~ Hutchison, Mrs. John Daly, Mrs. Jemes H. Whipple, Mrs. E. L. Jenkins, |: Mrs. LeRoy Arnold, Mrs. Glenn A. Steven, Miss Helen Wagstaff, Mrs. Lucile Rust, Herry M. Dawdy, Mrs. J. W. Oursler, Mrs+ A. D. Lowe, Mrs. Leo Stewart, Mrs. Ira Stockebrand, Mr. James Sharpe. CONVENTION CITY 1942--HUTC 3 Invitations were reccived from Hutchinson, Salina, Lawrence & Emporia. Tellers appointed by the President were: W. M. Richards, Chairman, Harry Dawdy and Mrs. G. G. Wright. Ballots were passed and the vote received was: Oe ed 6 0 6 0 0 0 06 64 60 66s EmMporiascesccceseeeesh SalLiNhecscccrvesesoccssoveldls LAWPENCE .ceeccesecseed SELECTION OF CONVENTION DATE MOTION, by Mrs. Lucile Rust that the selection of a convention date for 1942 be referred to the Executive Committee. SELECTION OF DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION : The following were named as delegates te the Nationel Convention, to be held in Boston, May 19-22: Mrs. E. W. Emery, Atchison; Mrs. Ben Buck, Wichita; Mrs. A. B. Stoekebrand, Yates Center; Mrs. O. C. Taylor, Cimarron; and Mrs. L. #- Yulich, Kansas City. MOTION by Mrs. Whipple that the president be empowered to name others. ; (CARRIED ) MEMBERS AT LARGE The following chairmen were chosen to serve on the Executive Committee as Members-at-Large: Mrs. James H. Whipple, Historian; Mrs. &-. Good- son Wright, Membership; Mrs. J. W. Oursler, Editor, Kanses Parent Teacher. MOTION by Mrs. Harbaugh to accept report. CARRIED. ELECTION OF MEMBER ON BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR STUDENT AID MOTION by Mrs. Luther that C. M. Miller be reelected for another term 2s 2 member of the Board of Trustees of the Student Aid Fund. CARRIED.