NOMINATING COMMITTSE Those selected on the Nominating Committee were: Mrs. A. Ee Hastings, Mrs..E. E. Miller, Mrs. Geo. Winters, Mrs. E. L. Jenkins, Harry Dawdy. MOTION by Mrs. Carlson that the first one named by Chairman.CARRIED. SELECTION OF PRESIDENT'S sLTERNATE ON NATIONAL BOARD OF MANAGERS MOTION by Mrs. %- %, Miller, to select Mrs. . Re Loder, 1st Vice- president, as alternate. CaRRI@D. ecretary read the proposed Budget. Found in APPENDIX NO. IV. MOTICN by W. M. Richards fcr adoption, subject to what changes deemed necessary by the “xccutive Committee. CARRIED. BUDGET COMMITTEE appcinted by the President: Rev. Fred Smith, Mrs. Ben Me Camant, and Mrs. S. &. Miller. VACANCIES The resignaticn of Mrs. Roy Seaton, 3rd Vicepresident, was read by the Secretary. MOTION by Miss Wagstaff tc accept. CARRIU™D. W. M. Richards was nominated 2nd elected 3rd Vicepresident. MOTION by Mrs. Harbaugh tc accept resignation of W. M. Richards as Citizenship Chairman. CaRRIED. MOTION by Mrs. Jenkins that president be sllowed te fill vacancy from nemes presented. Names presented ore: C. 3. Strange, Wichita; Finis Green, Pittsburg; 4. H. Procter, Pratt; Dr. Geo. E. Kelley, Hays, Supt, Ae G. Soehrcoedermeier, Dodge City; and Supt. Arnold Anderson, Hill City. SET-UP FOR KaNS.iS PsRENT TS..CHER MAGAZINE The Scerctary resd the report cf the ccmmittec previcusly read te the Executive Committee. (MINNT™S January 1941--Page 6.) MOTION by Mrs. Luther tc secept repert. CARRIED. Letter from the Delta Kappa Gamma Society read. MOTION by Mrs. Fultcn to refer it to Executive Committee fcr further study. RETURN =SXPENSES ALLOWSD - QUESTION was asked ccncerning the paying of return expenses of new chairmen. MOTION by Mrs. E. EB. Miller to pay them. CaARRIU@D. attest: Mrs. 5. W. Smery Signed: Mrs. Ben Me Camant President ‘Secretary