TREASURER'S REPORT CONTINUED The $800.00 loan frem the Student Loan Fund was distributed as follows: $200.00, was leaned tc each of the follcewing State supported schocls: Kansas State College--Hays, Kansas Kansas State College--Manhattan, Kansas Konses State Teachers College--Emporia, Kansas Kansas State Teachers College--Pittsburg, Kansas. Deducting these loans from the Student Loan Fund the assets of this fund cn March 15, 1941 were: Cash in GenePal Purdescscicescccerccsseeecs sph e260 Funds SE OOS ss ob a 660 64:42:5-0.40-0% 634.207 do 08 300 .00 Balance CO a ee ee 170.56 Total MEG sk. & 00046 6 6bs 26 6068666 044600 40 604600 04 451000 a The Tetal assets of the Genernl Funds cf the Congress of the date cf March 15, 1941 were: In Commercial National Bank, Kans.City, Ks.$4,652.93 |. Funds BIOOTOR 6 6b 40 666 5 4 Ob 046 tO KOSS 6006 GAO 2,000.00 Total Assets in General NN 6 646600460446 O SS OO OES 6.65 ® Combining Student Lean Fund snd General Fund, we had) , on Varch 15, 1941 total assets to the amcunt cof ) $7,530.75 The depositary bank is the. Commercial Naticnal Bank of Kansas City, Kansas. all invested funds are dez,osited with the Railroad Building Loan and Savings association, Newtcn, Kansés. Ycur Treasurer has attended all meetings c2lled of the Executive Committee and the Board cf Managers. ' Respectfully submitted, Fred Smith, Treasurer.