education in this work. Cooperate with officials and directors of recreation in the development of public opinion for the support and use of recreation, A. Work in urban areas for - 1. The establishment of a municipal recreation department, recreation commission or board, or a separate recreation department under the school board. e, Municipal appropriations for an all-year-round recreation program for all ages, under trained personnel, Recreation is as definite a lien on tax funds as is education, 3. Sponsor local conferences for the consideration of the problems of recreation planning, B, Work in rural areas for a rural community program through either - 1. A lay committee including representatives from such agencies as the Farm Bureau, the Grange, 4-H clubs, Future Farmers, church, school, etc., with leadership and funds obtained through these agencies or by their support in a campaign for public funds. <, A county recreation commission to direct a county-wide recreation program, supported from county tax funds, when this is permissible, 3. Enabling-legislation to lay a foundation for (2) where necessary. C. Make permanent the gains realized through the Federal Emergency Recreation Program, Great impetus has been given by the Federal emergency program to education on the vital need of recreation and to the development of facilities for recreation, Federal aid was set up as an emergency measure only, It will ultimately be with- drawn. We must conserve this great gain, as suggested in A~l, B-2, and B-3 above, and make it serve as a spur to increased local initiative and action toward a sound and sane program of recreation for everybody, II. Continue - Use of volunteer recreation leaders Leadership training Classes in family recreation for parents Town, county, and state committees of volunteers to plan and promote recreation Sponsoring supervised playgrounds and other recreation facilities Use of schools as neighborhood centers Providing equipment, supplies, apparatus Fostering participation in play, athletics, arts, music, dramatics, crafts, hobbies by all ages and economic groups Beautification of school properties and playgrounds